Commit 7ee89885 authored by claes's avatar claes

Creation of volume object added

parent 85036f2f
......@@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ wb_orep *wb_vrepmem::object(pwr_tStatus *sts, pwr_tOid oid)
return 0;
if ( oid.oix == 0 && !volume_object) {
// Volume object is not created yet...
createVolumeObject( volume_name);
mem_object *n = findObject( oid.oix);
if ( !n) {
......@@ -758,6 +764,38 @@ wb_orep *wb_vrepmem::createObject(pwr_tStatus *sts, wb_cdef cdef, wb_destination
return o;
bool wb_vrepmem::createVolumeObject( char *name)
pwr_tStatus sts;
wb_cdrep *cdrep = m_merep->cdrep( &sts, m_cid);
wb_cdef cdef = wb_cdef( cdrep);
mem_object *memo = new mem_object();
strcpy( memo->m_name, name);
memo->m_oid.vid = m_vid;
memo->m_oid.oix = 0;
memo->m_cid = m_cid;
memo->m_flags = cdef.flags();
memo->rbody_size = cdef.size( pwr_eBix_rt);
if ( memo->rbody_size) {
memo->rbody = malloc( memo->rbody_size);
cdef.templateBody( &sts, pwr_eBix_rt, memo->rbody);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return false;
memo->dbody_size = cdef.size( pwr_eBix_dev);
if ( memo->dbody_size) {
memo->dbody = malloc( memo->dbody_size);
cdef.templateBody( &sts, pwr_eBix_dev, memo->dbody);
if ( EVEN(sts)) return false;
volume_object = memo;
registerObject( memo->m_oid.oix, memo);
return true;
wb_orep *wb_vrepmem::copyObject(pwr_tStatus *sts, const wb_orep *orep, wb_destination &d, wb_name &name)
mem_object *dest;
......@@ -1734,8 +1772,10 @@ bool wb_vrepmem::commit(pwr_tStatus *sts)
bool wb_vrepmem::abort(pwr_tStatus *sts)
// Reload
loadWbl( m_filename, sts);
if ( m_classeditor) {
loadWbl( m_filename, sts);
return true;
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ public:
bool unregisterObject( pwr_tOix oix);
void registerVolume( const char *name, pwr_tCid cid, pwr_tVid vid, mem_object *node);
void info();
bool createVolumeObject( char *name);
virtual pwr_tOid oid(pwr_tStatus *sts, const wb_orep *o) { return pwr_cNOid;}
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