Commit 9e65fe2b authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

wb, minor changes in headers of generated files

parent 03d0fc31
......@@ -43,12 +43,11 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern "C" {
#include "pwr.h"
#include "pwr_version.h"
#include "co_dcli.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_time.h"
#include "cnv_ctx.h"
#include "cnv_wbltoh.h"
......@@ -65,6 +64,9 @@ int CnvWblToH::init( char *first)
pwr_tFileName fname;
pwr_tFileName found_file;
int sts;
char timestr[80];
time_AtoAscii( 0, time_eFormat_DateAndTime, timestr, sizeof(timestr));
get_filename( ctx->rw, struct_filename, ctx->hpp);
strcpy( fname, ctx->dir);
......@@ -96,9 +98,14 @@ int CnvWblToH::init( char *first)
fp_struct <<
"/* Proview " << pwrv_cPwrVersionStr << " " << struct_filename << " */" << endl << endl <<
"/* Generated by co_convert. */" << endl <<
"/* Do not edit this file. */" << endl << endl <<
"/* File " << struct_filename << "." << endl <<
" *" << endl <<
" * Generated by co_convert " << pwrv_cPwrVersionStr << " " << timestr << "." << endl <<
" * Do not edit this file." << endl <<
" *" << endl <<
" * Contains type and struct declarations for the types and classes" << endl <<
" * in volume " << ctx->rw->volume_name << "." << endl <<
" */" << endl << endl <<
"#ifndef " << fname << endl <<
"#define " << fname << endl <<
endl <<
......@@ -17303,22 +17303,28 @@ static int gcg_check_ra_plc_user(
sts = syi_UserName( user, sizeof(user));
fprintf( checkfile, "/* File $pwrp_inc/ra_plc_user.h\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "/* File $pwrp_inc/ra_plc_user.h\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " *\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Description\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * This file is included by the plc code generated from the plc windows.\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Includefiles for classvolumes with classes referenced by the\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * plc program should be inserted here. Also declarations of types and\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * functions used in arithm code can be inserted.\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * functions used in arithm code can be inserted.\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " *\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * Revision history\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " * %s %s Project created\n", date, user);
fprintf( checkfile, " *\n");
fprintf( checkfile, " */\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#ifndef ra_plc_user_h\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#define ra_plc_user_h\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_nmpsclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_remoteclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_profibusclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_basecomponentclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_otherioclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_siemensclasses.h\"\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_abbclasses.h\"\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#include \"pwr_abbclasses.h\"\n\n\n\n\n");
fprintf( checkfile, "#endif\n\n");
fclose( checkfile);
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