Commit 9edc673b authored by claes's avatar claes

*** empty log message ***

parent 295fcdee
......@@ -3589,6 +3589,7 @@ Wtt commands
<b>exit <t>close wtt <LINK> exit
<b>edit <t>set edit mode <LINK> edit
<b>close graph <t>Close a Ge graph <LINK> close graph
<b>compile <t>Compile plcpgm <LINK> compile
<b>configure card<t>Configure a card object <LINK> configure card
<b>connect <t>Connect signal and channel <LINK> connect
......@@ -3620,9 +3621,11 @@ Wtt commands
<b>new buffer <t>Create a new buffer <LINK> new buffer
<b>one <t>One window <LINK> one
<b>open buffer <t>Open buffer selection window <LINK> open buffer
<b>open graph <t>Open a Ge graph <LINK> open graph
<b>paste <t>Paste buffer <LINK> paste
<b>print <t>Print plcpgm <LINK> print
<b>redraw <t>Redraw plcpgm <LINK> redraw
<b>release subwindow <t>Continue execution with graph in window object. <LINK>release subwindow
<b>revert <t>Revert session <LINK> revert
<b>save <t>Save session <LINK> save
<b>search <t>Search <LINK> search
......@@ -3638,6 +3641,7 @@ Wtt commands
<b>set showdescription<t>Display description <LINK> set showdescription
<b>set showobjref<t>Display object references <LINK> set showobjref
<b>set showobjxref<t>Display object x-references <LINK> set showobjxref
<b>set subwindow <t>Open a graph in a window object <LINK>set subwindow
<b>set template<t>Set template values for objects <LINK> set template
<b>set verify <t>Script verification <LINK> set verify
<b>set window <t>Set window width and height <LINK> set window
......@@ -4517,6 +4521,55 @@ Load the database or from wb_load-file or dbs-file.
/loadfile <t>Name of file. Can be of type .wb_load, .wb_dmp or .dbs.
<TOPIC> open graph <style> function
Command open graph
Open a Ge graph.
If modal is selected, the execution av the script is continued
when the graph is closed.
<B>wtt> open graph /file= /modal
/file <t>Name of the Ge graph.
/modal <t>Modal.
<TOPIC> close graph <style> function
Command close graph
Close a Ge graph.
<B>wtt> close graph /file=
/file <t>Name of the Ge graph.
<TOPIC> set subwindow <style> function
Command set subwindow
Open a graph in a window object in a previously opened graph.
<B>wtt> set subwindow 'graph' /name= /source=
/name <t>Name of the window object.
/source <t>Name of graph that is to be opened in the window object.
<TOPIC> release subwindow <style> function
Command release subwindow
Continue the execution of a script that has opened a graph
in a window object by the command 'set subwindow' or the
function 'SetSubwindow' with modal selected.
The release command should be executed from a pushbutton
in the graph with actiontype command.
<B>wtt> release subwindow 'graph'
graph <t>Name of the main graph.
<TOPIC> symbol
......@@ -4594,7 +4647,9 @@ GetNodeObject() <LINK> getnodeobject()
GetRootList() <LINK> getrootlist()
GetVolumeClass() <LINK> getvolumeclass()
GetVolumeList() <LINK> getvolumelist()
SetAttribute() <LINK> setattribute()
GetProjectName() <LINK> getprojectname()
CheckSystemGroup() <LINK> checksystemgroup()
CutObjectName() <LINK> cutobjectname()
MessageError() <LINK> messageerror()
MessageInfo() <LINK> messageinfo()
......@@ -4608,6 +4663,9 @@ MessageDialog() <LINK> messagedialog()
ConfirmDialog() <LINK> confirmdialog()
ContinueDialog() <LINK> continuedialog()
PromptDialog() <LINK> promptdialog()
OpenGraph() <LINK> opengraph()
CloseGraph() <LINK> closegraph()
SetSubwindow() <LINK> setsubwindow()
<TOPIC> execute script
......@@ -4668,17 +4726,22 @@ A declaration consists of
- the table (global or extern, if local the table is suppressed)
- the datatype (int, float or string)
- the variable name (case sensitive)
- if array, number of elements
- equal mark followed by an init value, if omitted the init value is zero or
- semicolon
An extern variable should be deleted (by the delete statement).
<c>int i;
<c>float flow = 33.4;
<c>string str = "Hello";
<c>extern int jakob;
<c>extern int jakob[20];
<c>global float ferdinand = 1234;
<c>delete jakob[20];
<TOPIC> operators
......@@ -5102,6 +5165,7 @@ Returns the extracted characters as a string.
int <t>start <t>start position of the first character.
<t><t>First character has position 1.
int <t>length <t>number of characters to be extracted.
string <t>str <t>string from which characters should be extracted.
......@@ -5503,6 +5567,28 @@ GetNextVolume().
<c> endwhile
<TOPIC> setattribute() <style> function
int SetAttribute( string name, (arbitrary type) value)
Set the value of an attribute.
The attribute is specified with full object and
attribute name.
Returns the status of the operation.
string name attribute name.
arbitrary type value attribute value.
<c> SetAttribute( "Pump-V1-Switch.Description", "Valve switch open");
<TOPIC> getprojectname() <style> function
......@@ -5520,6 +5606,23 @@ Returns the name of the project.
<c> name = GetProjectName();
<TOPIC> checksystemgroup() <style> function
int CheckSystemGroup()
Check if a system group exists.
Returns 1 if the system group exist, else 0.
<c> if ( !CheckSystemGroup( "MyGroup"))
<c> return;
<c> endif
<TOPIC> cutobjectname() <style> function
......@@ -5776,6 +5879,71 @@ string <t>value <t>Contains the entered value.
<c> printf( "Cancel...\n");
<c> endif
<TOPIC> opengraph() <style> function
int OpenGraph( string name, int modal)
Open a Ge graph.
If modal is selected, the execution of the script is continued when
the graph is closed.
string <t>name <t>Graph name.
int <t>modal <t>Modal.
<c> OpenGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame", 0);
<TOPIC> closegraph() <style> function
int CloseGraph( string name)
Close a Ge graph.
string <t>name <t>Graph name.
<c> CloseGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame");
<TOPIC> setsubwindow() <style> function
int SetSubwindow( string name, string windowname, string source, int modal)
Open a Ge graph in a window object in a previously opened graph.
If modal is selected, the execution of the script is continued when
the command 'release subwindow' is executed by a pushbutton in the graph.
string <t>name <t>Name of the main graph.
string <t>windowname <t>Name of the window object in which
<t> <t>the source graph is to be opened.
string <t>source <t>Name of the graph that is to be opened
<t> <t>in the window object.
int <t>modal <t>Modal.
<c> SetSubwindow( "pwr_wizard_frame", "Window1", "MyGraph", 1);
......@@ -3529,8 +3529,9 @@ su kr
<TOPIC> help command
Wtt kommandon
<b>exit <t>stäng wtt <LINK> exit
<b>edit <t>sätt edit mod <LINK> edit
<b>exit <t>Stäng wtt <LINK> exit
<b>edit <t>Sätt edit mod <LINK> edit
<b>close graph <t>Stäng en Ge graf <LINK> close graph
<b>compile <t>Kompilera plcpgm <LINK> compile
<b>configure card<t>Konfigurera ett kort objekt <LINK> configure card
<b>connect <t>Koppla ihop signal med kanal <LINK> connect
......@@ -3562,9 +3563,11 @@ Wtt kommandon
<b>new buffer <t>Skapa en ny buffer <LINK> new buffer
<b>one <t>Ett fönster <LINK> one
<b>open buffer <t>Öppna buffer väljar fönstret <LINK> open buffer
<b>open graph <t>Öppna en Ge graf <LINK> open graph
<b>paste <t>Klistra buffer <LINK> paste
<b>print <t>Skriv ut plcpgm <LINK> print
<b>redraw <t>Rita om plcpgm <LINK> redraw
<b>release subwindow <t>Forsätt exekveringen med graf i window objekt. <LINK>release subwindow
<b>revert <t>Backa sessionen <LINK> revert
<b>save <t>Spara sessionen <LINK> save
<b>search <t>Sök <LINK> search
......@@ -3580,6 +3583,7 @@ Wtt kommandon
<b>set showdescription<t>Visa beskrivning <LINK> set showdescription
<b>set showobjref<t>Visa objekt referenser <LINK> set showobjref
<b>set showobjxref<t>Visa objekt x-referenser <LINK> set showobjxref
<b>set subwindow <t>Öppna en graph i ett window objekt <LINK>set subwindow
<b>set template<t>Sätt templatevärden på objekt <LINK> set template
<b>set verify <t>Verifiera script <LINK> set verify
<b>set window <t>Sätt fönsterstorlek <LINK> set window
......@@ -4443,6 +4447,54 @@ Ladda databasen fr
<TOPIC> open graph <style> function
Command open graph
Öppna en Ge graf.
I modal mod, fortsätter inte exekveringen av skriptet förrän
grafen stängs.
<B>wtt> open graph /file= /modal
/file <t>Namn Ge grafen.
/modal <t>Modal mod.
<TOPIC> close graph <style> function
Command close graph
Stäng en Ge graf.
<B>wtt> close graph /file=
/file <t>Namn på Ge grafen.
<TOPIC> set subwindow <style> function
Command set subwindow
Öppna en graf i ett window objekt i en tidigare öppnad graf.
<B>wtt> set subwindow 'graph' /name= /source=
/name <t>Namn på window objektet.
/source <t>Namn på grafen som ska öppnas i window objektet.
<TOPIC> release subwindow <style> function
Command release subwindow
Släpp loss exekveringen av ett skript som öppnat en graf
i ett window objekt med kommandot 'set subwindow' eller
funktionen 'SetSubwindow' i modal mod.
Release kommandot exekveras från en trycknapp i bilden med
actiontyp command.
<B>wtt> release subwindow 'graph'
graph <t>Namnet på huvud grafen.
<TOPIC> symbol
......@@ -4519,7 +4571,9 @@ GetNodeObject() <LINK> getnodeobject()
GetRootList() <LINK> getrootlist()
GetVolumeClass() <LINK> getvolumeclass()
GetVolumeList() <LINK> getvolumelist()
SetAttribute() <LINK> setattribute()
GetProjectName() <LINK> getprojectname()
CheckSystemGroup() <LINK> checksystemgroup()
CutObjectName() <LINK> cutobjectname()
MessageError() <LINK> messageerror()
MessageInfo() <LINK> messageinfo()
......@@ -4533,6 +4587,10 @@ MessageDialog() <LINK> messagedialog()
ConfirmDialog() <LINK> confirmdialog()
ContinueDialog() <LINK> continuedialog()
PromptDialog() <LINK> promptdialog()
OpenGraph() <LINK> opengraph()
CloseGraph() <LINK> closegraph()
SetSubwindow() <LINK> setsubwindow()
<TOPIC> execute script
......@@ -4592,17 +4650,21 @@ En deklaration best
- tabellen (global eller extern, om local ska inte tabellen anges)
- datatypen (int, float eller string)
- variabelnamn (känsligt för stora och små bokstäver)
- antal element, om variabeln är en vektor
- likameds tecken följt av initierings värde, om det utelämnas är
intitialvärdet 0 eller en null-sträng
- semikolon.
En extern variabel bör tas bort (med delete) när den inte längre används.
<c>int i;
<c>float flow = 33.4;
<c>string str = "Hello";
<c>extern int jakob;
<c>extern int jakob[20];
<c>global float ferdinand = 1234;
<c>delete jakob[20];
<TOPIC> operators
......@@ -5025,6 +5087,7 @@ Returnerar de extraherade tecknen som en str
int <t>start <t>start positionen för första tecknet.
<t><t>Första tecknet har position 1.
int <t>length <t>antalet tecken som ska extraheras.
string <t>str <t>sträng som tecknen ska extraheras från.
......@@ -5429,6 +5492,27 @@ GetNextVolume().
<c> endwhile
<TOPIC> setattribute() <style> function
int SetAttribute( string name, (godtycklig typ) value)
Sätt värde på ett attribut.
Attributet specificeras med fullt objects och attributnamn.
Returnerar operationens status.
string name attributets name.
godtycklig typ value attributets värde.
<c> SetAttribute( "Pump-V1-Switch.Description", "Valve switch open");
<TOPIC> getprojectname() <style> function
......@@ -5446,6 +5530,23 @@ Returnerar projektets namn.
<c> name = GetProjectName();
<TOPIC> checksystemgroup() <style> function
int CheckSystemGroup()
Kontrollera om en system grupp existerar.
Returnerar 1 om systemgruppen existerar, annars 0.
<c> if ( !CheckSystemGroup( "MyGroup"))
<c> return;
<c> endif
<TOPIC> cutobjectname() <style> function
......@@ -5702,6 +5803,71 @@ string <t>value <t>Inneh
<c> printf( "Cancel...\n");
<c> endif
<TOPIC> opengraph() <style> function
int OpenGraph( string name, int modal)
Öppnar en Ge graf.
Grafen kan öppnas som modal eller ej modal. Modal innebär att
exekveringen av scriptet inte fortsätter förrän grafen har stängts.
string <t>name <t>Namn på grafen.
int <t>modal <t>Modal mod.
<c> OpenGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame", 0);
<TOPIC> closegraph() <style> function
int CloseGraph( string name)
Stänger en Ge graf.
string <t>name <t>Namn på grafen.
<c> CloseGraph( "pwr_wizard_frame");
<TOPIC> setsubwindow() <style> function
int SetSubwindow( string name, string windowname, string source, int modal)
Öppnar en Ge graf i ett window objekt i en tidigare öppnad graf.
I modal mod, forsätter inte exekveringen förrän kommandot 'release subwindow'
exekveras av någon trycknapp i bilden.
string <t>name <t>Namn på huvud grafen.
string <t>windowname <t>Namn på window objektet i vilken den
<t> <t>specificerad grafen ska visas.
string <t>source <t>Namn på grafen som ska visas i window objektet.
int <t>modal <t>Modal mod.
<c> SetSubwindow( "pwr_wizard_frame", "Window1", "MyGraph", 1);
! Proview $Id: wb_cmd_msg.msg,v 1.2 2005-09-01 14:58:00 claes Exp $
! Proview $Id: wb_cmd_msg.msg,v 1.3 2006-02-23 14:49:00 claes Exp $
! Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ifendif <error in if-endif structure> /error
ifelse <error in if-else-endif structure> /error
filalron <file is already on> /error
name <name is missing> /error
attribute <attribute is missing> /error
cmdarg <to many arguments in commandfile call> /error
novolattached <no volume is attached> /error
nowbattached <no database is attached> /error
Package: pwr41
Version: 4.1.3-1
Version: 4.1.3-2
Section: base
Priority: optional
Architecture: i386
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4)
Replaces: pwrrt,pwr34,pwr39,pwr40
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.4-4), imlib11 (>= 1.9.14-14), libmotif (>= 2.1.30-5), libdb4.0 (>=4.0.14-1.3)
Replaces: pwrrt,pwr34,pwr39,pwr40,pwr41
Maintainer: Proview <>
Description: Proview development and runtime environment package
Proview development and runtime environment
4.1.3-1 Base release
Changes in 4.1.3-2:
- Template values in Profibus objects added.
- Template IoConnections for ABB_ACS800PumpAggr added.
- Bugfix in BaseMotorIncrDecrAggr. LimitSwitchIncr/LimitSwitchDecr was switched.
- Bugfix in volume creation. Flags in volume object was not initialized.
- Bugfix in gdh_DisableAttr. Didn't work on remote objects.
- Bugfix in classcashe. Large classes wasn't loaded correctly.
......@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@ if ! grep -q "\bpwrp:" /etc/passwd; then
useradd -s /bin/bash -p aaupl/kQs1p3U -g pwrp -d /home/pwrp pwrp
if [ ! -e /home/pwrp ]; then
mkdir /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.bashrc /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.bash_profile /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.mwmrc /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.rtt_start /home/pwrp
chmod a+x /home/pwrp/.rtt_start
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.xtt_start /home/pwrp
chmod a+x /home/pwrp/.xtt_start
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.xsession /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/wtt_init.pwr_com /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/wtt_init1.pwr_com /home/pwrp
chown -R pwrp /home/pwrp
chgrp -R pwrp /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.bashrc /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.bash_profile /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.mwmrc /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.rtt_start /home/pwrp
chmod a+x /home/pwrp/.rtt_start
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.xtt_start /home/pwrp
chmod a+x /home/pwrp/.xtt_start
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/.xsession /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/wtt_init.pwr_com /home/pwrp
cp /usr/pwr$ver/$pwre_target/exp/cnf/user/wtt_init1.pwr_com /home/pwrp
chown -R pwrp /home/pwrp
chgrp -R pwrp /home/pwrp
echo "Change owner of files to pwrp"
Package: pwrdemo41
Version: 4.1.1-1
Version: 4.1.3-2
Section: base
Priority: optional
Architecture: i386
Depends: pwr41 (>= 4.1.1-1)
Depends: pwr41 (>= 4.1.3-2)
Maintainer: Proview <>
Description: Proview Demo Project package
Proview Demo Project
4.1.1-1 Base release
4.1.3-1 Base release
Changes in 4.1.3-2:
- Demo graphs for BaseComponents added.
- Demo graph for level control added.
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