Commit f979c949 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

caddy-frontend: Move out TODOs

parent b0d55ba2
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Generally things to be done with ``caddy-frontend``:
* README: cleanup the documentation, explain various specifics
* check the whole frontend slave snippet with ``caddy -validate`` during buildout run, and reject if does not pass validation
* (new) ``type:websocket`` slave
* ``type:eventsource``:
* **Jérome Perrin**: *For event source, if I understand correctly, we could use caddy as a proxy in front of nginx-push-stream . If we have a "central shared" caddy instance, can it handle keeping connections opens for many clients ?*
* ``check-error-on-caddy-log`` like ``check-error-on-apache-log``
* move out ``test/`` and use it from shared python distribution
* reduce the time of configuration validation (in ```` sections ``[configtest]``, ``[caddy-configuration]``), as it is not scalable on frontend with 2000+ slaves (takes few minutes instead of few, < 5, seconds), issue posted `upstream <>`_
* drop ``6tunnel`` and use ``bind`` in Caddy configuration, as soon as multiple binds will be possible, tracked in upstream `bind: support multiple values <>`_ and `ipv6: does not bind on ipv4 and ipv6 for sites that resolve to both <>`_
* use caddy-frontend in `standalone style playbooks <>`_
* in ``templates/`` avoid repetetive ``part_list.append`` and use macro like in ERP5 SR (cf `Vincent's comment <>`_)
* **Jérome Perrin**: consider privacy implications/GDPR compliance of and decide if we should leave it enabled.
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