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  1. 17 Jan, 2016 2 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Hook gitlab- and gitlab-shell- configuration files into the system · 13169cab
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      - Download them on SR build and pass info to instance
      - Instance prepares to process them as jinja2 templates
      - Instance hooks the files into configuration location as appropriate
      Every file so far is renamed *.erb -> *.in and a header added showing
      that this file is autogenerated with links about what was the base
      gitlab and/or omnibus version and omnibus reference revision this
      template was last updated for.
      So far all result configuration files are invalid - because ERB syntax
      is there. We will convert the configuration files to proper jinja2
      syntax and to using slapos parameters incrementally in the upcoming
      NOTE (again): md5 sums are not yet fixed - we will fix them in the end
          of gitlab patches series after applying all tweaking changes.
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      gitlab: Import gitlab-ce & gitlab-shell configs from omnibus-gitlab · 6fd7b987
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      Pristine import of template configuration files from omnibus GitLab
      package. All files were imported as-is in their ERB form and filenames
      from omnibus-gitlab 8.2.3+ce.0-0-g8eda093 from here:

      We will convert the templates to jinja2 and adjust them to slapos
      version in the following patches.
      Scheme for synchronizing with future upstream changes is envisioned as this:
          - checkout latest commit which updated pristine erb files
          - copy updated files from omnibus-gitlab, and commit the updates
          - checkout slapos master
          - merge commit that updated erb
      That should reasonably work with not too-many conflicts and even those
      should be not hard to resolve (with `git mergetool` e.g. in kdiff3)
      /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome