Commit baedd341 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier
Browse files

JIO source code replaced by new one

parent d9db77a0
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global localstorage: true, setInterval: true, clearInterval: true */
var activityUpdater = (function (spec, my) {
var that = {}, priv = {};
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {}; = || 0;
priv.interval = 400;
priv.interval_id = null;
// Methods //
* Update the last activity date in the localStorage.
* @method touch
priv.touch = function () {
localstorage.setItem('jio/id/' +,;
* Sets the jio id into the activity.
* @method setId
* @param {number} id The jio id.
that.setId = function (id) { = id;
* Sets the interval delay between two updates.
* @method setIntervalDelay
* @param {number} ms In milliseconds
that.setIntervalDelay = function (ms) {
priv.interval = ms;
* Gets the interval delay.
* @method getIntervalDelay
* @return {number} The interval delay.
that.getIntervalDelay = function () {
return priv.interval;
* Starts the activity updater. It will update regulary the last activity
* date in the localStorage to show to other jio instance that this instance
* is active.
* @method start
that.start = function () {
if (!priv.interval_id) {
priv.interval_id = setInterval(function () {
}, priv.interval);
* Stops the activity updater.
* @method stop
that.stop = function () {
if (priv.interval_id !== null) {
priv.interval_id = null;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global announcement: true */
var announcement = function (spec, my) {
var that = {},
callback_a = [],
announcer = spec.announcer || {};
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.add = function (callback) {
that.remove = function (callback) {
var i, tmp_callback_a = [];
for (i = 0; i < callback_a.length; i += 1) {
if (callback_a[i] !== callback) {
callback_a = tmp_callback_a;
that.register = function () {
that.unregister = function () {
that.trigger = function (args) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < callback_a.length; i += 1) {
callback_a[i].apply(null, args);
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global announcement: true */
var announcer = (function (spec, my) {
var that = {},
announcement_o = {};
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.register = function (name) {
if (!announcement_o[name]) {
announcement_o[name] = announcement();
that.unregister = function (name) {
if (announcement_o[name]) {
delete announcement_o[name];
}; = function (name) {
return announcement_o[name];
that.on = function (name, callback) {
that.trigger = function (name, args) {;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var allDocsCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'allDocs';
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.canBeRestored = function () {
return false;
that.validateState = function () {
return true;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var checkCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'check';
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.canBeRestored = function () {
return false;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */
/*global postCommand: true, putCommand: true, getCommand: true,
removeCommand: true, allDocsCommand: true,
getAttachmentCommand: true, removeAttachmentCommand: true,
putAttachmentCommand: true, failStatus: true, doneStatus: true,
checkCommand: true, repairCommand: true,
hex_md5: true */
var command = function (spec, my) {
var that = {},
priv = {};
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
priv.commandlist = {
'post': postCommand,
'put': putCommand,
'get': getCommand,
'remove': removeCommand,
'allDocs': allDocsCommand,
'getAttachment': getAttachmentCommand,
'putAttachment': putAttachmentCommand,
'removeAttachment': removeAttachmentCommand,
'check': checkCommand,
'repair': repairCommand
// creates the good command thanks to his label
if (spec.label && priv.commandlist[spec.label]) {
priv.label = spec.label;
delete spec.label;
return priv.commandlist[priv.label](spec, my);
priv.tried = 0;
priv.doc = spec.doc || {};
if (typeof priv.doc !== "object") {
priv.doc = {
"_id": priv.doc.toString()
priv.option = spec.options || {};
priv.callbacks = spec.callbacks || {};
priv.success = [priv.callbacks.success || function () {}];
priv.error = [priv.callbacks.error || function () {}];
priv.retry = function () {
status: 13,
statusText: 'Fail Retry',
error: 'fail_retry',
message: 'Impossible to retry.',
reason: 'Impossible to retry.'
priv.end = function () {};
priv.on_going = false;
// Methods //
* Returns a serialized version of this command.
* @method serialized
* @return {object} The serialized command.
that.serialized = function () {
var o = {};
o.label = that.getLabel();
o.tried = priv.tried;
o.doc = that.cloneDoc();
o.option = that.cloneOption();
return o;
* Returns the label of the command.
* @method getLabel
* @return {string} The label.
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'command';
* Gets the document id
* @method getDocId
* @return {string} The document id
that.getDocId = function () {
return priv.doc._id;
* Gets the attachment id
* @method getAttachmentId
* @return {string} The attachment id
that.getAttachmentId = function () {
return priv.doc._attachment;
* Returns the data of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentData
* @return {string} The data
that.getAttachmentData = function () {
return priv.doc._data || "";
* Returns the data length of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentLength
* @return {number} The length
that.getAttachmentLength = function () {
return (priv.doc._data || "").length;
* Returns the mimetype of the attachment
* @method getAttachmentMimeType
* @return {string} The mimetype
that.getAttachmentMimeType = function () {
return priv.doc._mimetype;
* Generate the md5sum of the attachment data
* @method md5SumAttachmentData
* @return {string} The md5sum
that.md5SumAttachmentData = function () {
return hex_md5(priv.doc._data || "");
* Returns an information about the document.
* @method getDocInfo
* @param {string} infoname The info name.
* @return The info value.
that.getDocInfo = function (infoname) {
return priv.doc[infoname];
* Returns the value of an option.
* @method getOption
* @param {string} optionname The option name.
* @return The option value.
that.getOption = function (optionname) {
return priv.option[optionname];
* Validates the storage.
* @param {object} storage The storage.
that.validate = function (storage) {
if (typeof priv.doc._id === "string" && priv.doc._id === "") {
"status": 21,
"statusText": "Invalid Document Id",
"error": "invalid_document_id",
"message": "The document id is invalid",
"reason": "empty"
return false;
if (!that.validateState()) {
return false;
return storage.validate();
* Extend this function
that.validateState = function () {
return true;
* Check if the command can be retried.
* @method canBeRetried
* @return {boolean} The result
that.canBeRetried = function () {
return (priv.option.max_retry === undefined ||
priv.option.max_retry === 0 ||
priv.tried < priv.option.max_retry);
* Gets the number time the command has been tried.
* @method getTried
* @return {number} The number of time the command has been tried
that.getTried = function () {
return priv.tried;
* Delegate actual excecution the storage.
* @param {object} storage The storage.
that.execute = function (storage) {
if (!priv.on_going) {
if (that.validate(storage)) {
priv.tried += 1;
priv.on_going = true;
* Execute the good method from the storage.
* Override this function.
* @method executeOn
* @param {object} storage The storage.
that.executeOn = function (storage) {};
that.success = function (return_value) {
var i;
priv.on_going = false;
for (i = 0; i < priv.success.length; i += 1) {
priv.success = [];
priv.error = [];
that.retry = function (return_error) {
priv.on_going = false;
if (that.canBeRetried()) {
} else {
that.error = function (return_error) {
var i;
priv.on_going = false;
for (i = 0; i < priv.error.length; i += 1) {
priv.success = [];
priv.error = [];
that.end = function () {
that.addCallbacks = function (success, error) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
priv.success.push(success || function () {});
priv.error.push(error || function () {});
} else {
priv.success.push(function (response) {
(success || function () {})(undefined, response);
priv.error.push(function (err) {
(success || function () {})(err, undefined);
that.onSuccessDo = function (fun) {
if (fun) {
priv.success = fun;
} else {
return priv.success;
that.onErrorDo = function (fun) {
if (fun) {
priv.error = fun;
} else {
return priv.error;
that.onEndDo = function (fun) {
priv.end = fun;
that.onRetryDo = function (fun) {
priv.retry = fun;
* Is the command can be restored by another JIO : yes.
* @method canBeRestored
* @return {boolean} true
that.canBeRestored = function () {
return true;
* Clones the command and returns it.
* @method clone
* @return {object} The cloned command.
that.clone = function () {
return command(that.serialized(), my);
* Clones the command options and returns the clone version.
* @method cloneOption
* @return {object} The clone of the command options.
that.cloneOption = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.option));
* Clones the document and returns the clone version.
* @method cloneDoc
* @return {object} The clone of the document.
that.cloneDoc = function () {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(priv.doc));
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var getAttachmentCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'getAttachment';
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
if (typeof that.getAttachmentId() !== "string") {
"status": 22,
"statusText": "Attachment Id Required",
"error": "attachment_id_required",
"message": "The attachment id must be set",
"reason": "Attachment id not set"
return false;
if (that.getAttachmentId() === "") {
"status": 23,
"statusText": "Invalid Attachment Id",
"error": "invalid_attachment_id",
"message": "The attachment id must not be an empty string",
"reason": "Attachment id is empty"
return true;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var getCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'get';
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" &&
that.getDocId() !== "")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.canBeRestored = function () {
return false;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var postCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'post';
that.validateState = function () {
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var putAttachmentCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'putAttachment';
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
if (typeof that.getAttachmentId() !== "string") {
"status": 22,
"statusText": "Attachment Id Required",
"error": "attachment_id_required",
"message": "The attachment id must be set",
"reason": "Attachment id not set"
return false;
if (that.getAttachmentId() === "") {
"status": 23,
"statusText": "Invalid Attachment Id",
"error": "invalid_attachment_id",
"message": "The attachment id must not be an empty string",
"reason": "Attachment id is empty"
return true;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var putCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'put';
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var removeAttachmentCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'removeAttachment';
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
if (typeof that.getAttachmentId() !== "string") {
"status": 22,
"statusText": "Attachment Id Required",
"error": "attachment_id_required",
"message": "The attachment id must be set",
"reason": "Attachment id not set"
return false;
if (that.getAttachmentId() === "") {
"status": 23,
"statusText": "Invalid Attachment Id",
"error": "invalid_attachment_id",
"message": "The attachment id must not be an empty string",
"reason": "Attachment id is empty"
return true;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var removeCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Attributes //
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'remove';
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global command: true */
var repairCommand = function (spec, my) {
var that = command(spec, my);
spec = spec || {};
my = my || {};
// Methods //
that.getLabel = function () {
return 'repair';
that.validateState = function () {
if (!(typeof that.getDocId() === "string" && that.getDocId() !==
"")) {
"status": 20,
"statusText": "Document Id Required",
"error": "document_id_required",
"message": "The document id is not provided",
"reason": "Document id is undefined"
return false;
return true;
that.executeOn = function (storage) {;
return that;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, sloppy: true */
/*global secureMethods, exports, defineConstant, console */
* Inspired by nodejs EventEmitter class
* When an EventEmitter instance experiences an error, the typical action is
* to emit an 'error' event. Error events are treated as a special case in
* node. If there is no listener for it, then the default action throws the
* exception again.
* All EventEmitters emit the event 'newListener' when new listeners are added
* and 'removeListener' when a listener is removed.
* @class EventEmitter
* @constructor
function EventEmitter() {
this._events = {};
this._maxListeners = 10;
* Adds a listener to the end of the listeners array for the specified
* event.
* @method addListener
* @param {String} event The event name
* @param {Function} listener The listener callback
* @return {EventEmitter} This emitter
EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function (event, listener) {
var listener_list;
if (typeof listener !== "function") {
return this;
this.emit("newListener", event, listener);
listener_list = this._events[event];
if (listener_list === undefined) {
this._events[event] = listener;
listener_list = listener;
} else if (typeof listener_list === "function") {
this._events[event] = [listener_list, listener];
listener_list = this._events[event];
} else {
listener_list[listener_list.length] = listener;
if (this._maxListeners > 0 &&
typeof listener_list !== "function" &&
listener_list.length > this._maxListeners &&
listener_list.warned !== true) {
console.warn("warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " +
listener_list.length + " listeners added. " +
"Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.");
listener_list.warned = true;
return this;
* #crossLink "EventEmitter/addListener:method"
* @method on
EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;
* Adds a one time listener for the event. This listener is invoked only the
* next time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @method once
* @param {String} event The event name
* @param {Function} listener The listener callback
* @return {EventEmitter} This emitter
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (event, listener) {
var that = this, wrapper = function () {
that.removeListener(event, wrapper);
listener.apply(that, arguments);
wrapper.original = listener;
return that.on(event, wrapper);
* Remove a listener from the listener array for the specified event.
* Caution: changes array indices in the listener array behind the listener
* @method removeListener
* @param {String} event The event name
* @param {Function} listener The listener callback
* @return {EventEmitter} This emitter
EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function (event, listener) {
var listener_list = this._events[event], i;
if (listener_list) {
if (typeof listener_list === "function") {
if (listener_list === listener || listener_list.original === listener) {
delete this._events[event];
return this;
for (i = 0; i < listener_list.length; i += 1) {
if (listener_list[i] === listener ||
listener_list[i].original === listener) {
listener_list.splice(i, 1);
this.emit("removeListener", event, listener);
if (listener_list.length === 1) {
this._events[event] = listener_list[0];
if (listener_list.length === 0) {
this._events[event] = undefined;
return this;
* Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event.
* @method removeAllListeners
* @param {String} event The event name (optional)
* @return {EventEmitter} This emitter
EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (event) {
var key;
if (event === undefined) {
for (key in this._events) {
if (this._events.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete this._events[key];
return this;
delete this._events[event];
return this;
* By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners
* are added for a particular event. This is a useful default which helps
* finding memory leaks. Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10.
* This function allows that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.
* @method setMaxListeners
* @param {Number} max_listeners The maximum of listeners
EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function (max_listeners) {
this._maxListeners = max_listeners;
* Execute each of the listeners in order with the supplied arguments.
* @method emit
* @param {String} event The event name
* @param {Any} [args]* The listener argument to give
* @return {Boolean} true if event had listeners, false otherwise.
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function (event) {
var i, argument_list, listener_list;
listener_list = this._events[event];
if (typeof listener_list === 'function') {
listener_list = [listener_list];
} else if (Array.isArray(listener_list)) {
listener_list = listener_list.slice();
} else {
return false;
argument_list =, 1);
for (i = 0; i < listener_list.length; i += 1) {
try {
listener_list[i].apply(this, argument_list);
} catch (e) {
if (this.listeners("error").length > 0) {
this.emit("error", e);
throw e;
return true;
* Returns an array of listeners for the specified event.
* @method listeners
* @param {String} event The event name
* @return {Array} The array of listeners
EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function (event) {
return (typeof this._events[event] === 'function' ?
[this._events[event]] : (this._events[event] || []).slice());
* Static method; Return the number of listeners for a given event.
* @method listenerCount
* @static
* @param {EventEmitter} emitter The event emitter
* @param {String} event The event name
* @return {Number} The number of listener
EventEmitter.listenerCount = function (emitter, event) {
return emitter.listeners(event).length;
exports.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, sloppy: true, regexp: true */
/*global Deferred, inherits, constants, dictUpdate, deepClone, Blob */
function IODeferred(method, info) {;
this._info = info || {};
this._method = method;
// this._options = options;
inherits(IODeferred, Deferred);
IODeferred.prototype.resolve = function (a, b) {
if (this._method === 'getAttachment') {
if (typeof a === 'string') {
return, new Blob([a]));
if (a instanceof Blob) {
return, a);
// resolve('ok', {"custom": "value"});
// resolve(200, {...});
// resolve({...});
var weak = {"ok": true}, strong = {};
if (this._method === 'post') {
weak.status = constants.http_status.created;
weak.statusText = constants.http_status_text.created;
} else {
weak.status = constants.http_status.ok;
weak.statusText = constants.http_status_text.ok; = this._info._id;
if (/Attachment$/.test(this._method)) {
weak.attachment = this._info._attachment;
if (a !== undefined && (typeof a !== 'object' || Array.isArray(a))) {
strong.status = constants.http_status[a];
strong.statusText = constants.http_status_text[a];
if (strong.status === undefined ||
strong.statusText === undefined) {
return this.reject(
'invalid response',
'Unknown status "' + a + '"'
a = b;
if (typeof a === 'object' && !Array.isArray(a)) {
dictUpdate(weak, a);
dictUpdate(weak, strong);
strong = undefined; // free memory
if (typeof !== 'string' || ! {
return this.reject(
'invalid response',
'New document id have to be specified'
//return super_resolve(deepClone(weak));
return, deepClone(weak));
IODeferred.prototype.reject = function (a, b, c, d) {
// reject(status, reason, message, {"custom": "value"});
// reject(status, reason, {..});
// reject(status, {..});
var weak = {}, strong = {};
weak.status = constants.http_status.unknown;
weak.statusText = constants.http_status_text.unknown;
weak.message = 'Command failed';
weak.reason = 'fail';
if (typeof a !== 'object' || Array.isArray(a)) {
strong.status = constants.http_status[a];
strong.statusText = constants.http_status_text[a];
if (strong.status === undefined ||
strong.statusText === undefined) {
return this.reject(
// can create infernal loop if 'internal_storage_error' is not defined
// in the constants
'invalid response',
'Unknown status "' + a + '"'
a = b;
b = c;
c = d;
if (typeof a !== 'object' || Array.isArray(a)) {
strong.reason = a;
a = b;
b = c;
if (typeof a !== 'object' || Array.isArray(a)) {
strong.message = a;
a = b;
if (typeof a === 'object' && !Array.isArray(a)) {
dictUpdate(weak, a);
dictUpdate(weak, strong);
strong = undefined;
if (weak.error === undefined) {
weak.error = weak.statusText.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_').
replace(/[^_a-z]/g, '');
if (typeof weak.message !== 'string') {
weak.message = "";
if (typeof weak.reason !== 'string') {
weak.reason = "unknown";
//return super_reject(deepClone(weak));
return, deepClone(weak));
IODeferred.createFromDeferred = function (method, info, options, deferred) {
var iodeferred = new IODeferred(method, info, options);
// iodeferred.promise().done(deferred.resolve.bind(deferred)).
// fail(deferred.reject.bind(deferred)).
// progress(deferred.notify.bind(deferred));
// // phantomjs doesn't like 'bind'...
iodeferred.promise().done(function () {
deferred.resolve.apply(deferred, arguments);
}).fail(function () {
deferred.reject.apply(deferred, arguments);
}).progress(function () {
deferred.notify.apply(deferred, arguments);
return iodeferred;
IODeferred.createFromParam = function (param) {
return IODeferred.createFromDeferred(
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true, sloppy: true, regexp: true */
/*global EventEmitter, deepClone, inherits, secureMethods, defineConstant,
exports */
/*global addBlobStorageUtilities, addClassesToStorageUtilities, enableRestAPI,
enableRestParamChecker, enableCommandMaker, enableCommandExecuter,
enableCommandTimeout, enableJobMaker, enableJobRetry, enableJobChecker,
enableJobQueue, enableJobRecoverer, enableJobExecuter, enableJobTimeout */
function JIO(storage_spec, options) {;
var that = this, shared = new EventEmitter();
shared.storage_spec = deepClone(storage_spec);
if (options === undefined) {
options = {};
} else if (typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(options)) {
throw new TypeError("JIO(): Optional argument 2 is not of type 'object'");
enableRestAPI(that, shared, options);
enableRestParamChecker(that, shared, options);
enableJobMaker(that, shared, options);
enableJobRetry(that, shared, options);
// enableJobChecker(that, shared, options);
enableJobQueue(that, shared, options);
// enableJobRecoverer(that, shared, options);
enableJobTimeout(that, shared, options);
enableJobExecuter(that, shared, options);
inherits(JIO, EventEmitter);
JIO.createInstance = function (storage_spec, options) {
return new JIO(storage_spec, options);
exports.JIO = JIO;
exports.createJIO = JIO.createInstance;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */
/*global deepClone */
* Tool to manipulate a list of object containing at least one property: 'id'.
* Id must be a number > 0.
* @class JobQueue
* @constructor
* @param {Array} An array of object
function JobQueue(array) {
this._array = array;
* Removes elements which are not objects containing at least 'id' property.
* @method repair
*/ = function () {
var i, job;
for (i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
job = this._array[i];
if (typeof job !== 'object' || Array.isArray(job) ||
typeof !== 'number' || <= 0) {
this._array.splice(i, 1);
i -= 1;
* Post an object and generate an id
* @method post
* @param {Object} job The job object
* @return {Number} The generated id
*/ = function (job) {
var i, next = 1;
// get next id
for (i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
if (this._array[i].id >= next) {
next = this._array[i].id + 1;
} = next;
this._array[this._array.length] = deepClone(job);
return this;
* Put an object to the list. If an object contains the same id, it is replaced
* by the new one.
* @method put
* @param {Object} job The job object with an id
JobQueue.prototype.put = function (job) {
var i;
if (typeof !== 'number' || <= 0) {
throw new TypeError("JobQueue().put(): Job id should be a positive number");
for (i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
if (this._array[i].id === {
this._array[i] = deepClone(job);
return this;
* Puts some object into the list. Update object with the same id, and add
* unreferenced one.
* @method update
* @param {Array} job_list A list of new jobs
JobQueue.prototype.update = function (job_list) {
var i, j = 0, j_max, index = {}, next = 1, job, post_list = [];
j_max = this._array.length;
for (i = 0; i < job_list.length; i += 1) {
if (typeof job_list[i].id !== 'number' || job_list[i].id <= 0) {
// this job has no id, it has to be post
post_list[post_list.length] = job_list[i];
} else {
job = deepClone(job_list[i]);
if (index[] !== undefined) {
// this job is on the list, update
this._array[index[]] = job;
} else if (j === j_max) {
// this job is not on the list, update
this._array[this._array.length] = job;
} else {
// don't if the job is there or not
// searching same job in the original list
while (j < j_max) {
// references visited job
index[this._array[j].id] = j;
if (this._array[j].id >= next) {
next = this._array[j].id + 1;
if (this._array[j].id === {
// found on the list, just update
this._array[j] = job;
j += 1;
if (j === j_max) {
// not found on the list, add to the end
this._array[this._array.length] = job;
} else {
// found on the list, already updated
j += 1;
if ( >= next) {
next = + 1;
for (i = 0; i < post_list.length; i += 1) {
// adding job without id
post_list[i].id = next;
next += 1;
this._array[this._array.length] = deepClone(post_list[i]);
return this;
* Get an object from an id. Returns undefined if not found
* @method get
* @param {Number} id The job id
* @return {Object} The job or undefined
JobQueue.prototype.get = function (id) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
if (this._array[i].id === id) {
return deepClone(this._array[i]);
* Removes an object from an id
* @method remove
* @param {Number} id The job id
JobQueue.prototype.remove = function (id) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
if (this._array[i].id === id) {
this._array.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Clears the list.
* @method clear
JobQueue.prototype.clear = function () {
this._array.length = 0;
return this;
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */
/*global JobQueue, uniqueJSONStringify, deepClone, dictFilter */
* Manipulates a job queue and is also able to store it in a specific place.
* @class JobWorkspace
* @constructor
* @param {Workspace} workspace The workspace where to store
* @param {JobQueue} job_queue The job queue to use
* @param {String} namespace The namespace to use in the workspace
* @param {Array} job_keys An array of job keys to store
function JobWorkspace(workspace, job_queue, namespace, job_keys) {
this._workspace = workspace;
this._job_queue = job_queue;
this._namespace = namespace;
this._job_keys = job_keys;
* Store the job queue into the workspace.
* @method save
*/ = function () {
var i, job_queue = deepClone(this._job_queue._array);
for (i = 0; i < job_queue.length; i += 1) {
dictFilter(job_queue[i], this._job_keys);
if (this._job_queue._array.length === 0) {
} else {
return this;
* Loads the job queue from the workspace.
* @method load
JobWorkspace.prototype.load = function () {
var job_list;
try {
job_list = JSON.parse(this._workspace.getItem(this._namespace));
} catch (ignore) {}
if (!Array.isArray(job_list)) {
job_list = [];
new JobQueue(job_list).repair();
return this;
* Post a job in the job queue
* @method post
* @param {Object} job The job object
* @return {Number} The generated id
*/ = function (job) {
* Put a job to the job queue
* @method put
* @param {Object} job The job object with an id
JobWorkspace.prototype.put = function (job) {
return this._job_queue.put(job);
* Get a job from an id. Returns undefined if not found
* @method get
* @param {Number} id The job id
* @return {Object} The job or undefined
JobWorkspace.prototype.get = function (id) {
return this._job_queue.get(id);
* Removes a job from an id
* @method remove
* @param {Number} id The job id
JobWorkspace.prototype.remove = function (id) {
return this._job_queue.remove(id);
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true */
/*global localStorage */
// keywords: js, javascript, store on local storage as array
function LocalStorageArray(namespace) {
var index, next;
function nextId() {
var i = next;
next += 1;
return i;
this.length = function () {
return index.length;
this.truncate = function (length) {
var i;
if (length === index.length) {
return this;
if (length > index.length) {
index.length = length;
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
return this;
while (length < index.length) {
i = index.pop();
if (i !== undefined && i !== null) {
delete localStorage[namespace + '.' + i];
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
return this;
this.get = function (i) {
return JSON.parse(localStorage[namespace + '.' + index[i]] || 'null');
this.set = function (i, value) {
if (index[i] === undefined || index[i] === null) {
index[i] = nextId();
localStorage[namespace + '.' + index[i]] = JSON.stringify(value);
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
} else {
localStorage[namespace + '.' + index[i]] = JSON.stringify(value);
return this;
this.append = function (value) {
index[index.length] = nextId();
localStorage[namespace + '.' + index[index.length - 1]] =
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
return this;
this.pop = function (i) {
var value, key;
if (i === undefined || i === null) {
key = namespace + '.' + index[index.length - 1];
} else {
if (i < 0 || i >= index.length) {
return null;
key = namespace + '.' + i;
index.splice(i, 1);
value = localStorage[key];
if (index.length === 0) {
delete localStorage[namespace + '.index'];
} else {
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
delete localStorage[key];
return JSON.parse(value || 'null');
this.clear = function () {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < index.length; i += 1) {
delete localStorage[namespace + '.' + index[i]];
index = [];
delete localStorage[namespace + '.index'];
return this;
this.reload = function () {
var i;
index = JSON.parse(localStorage[namespace + '.index'] || '[]');
next = 0;
for (i = 0; i < index.length; i += 1) {
if (next < index[i]) {
next = index[i];
return this;
this.toArray = function () {
var i, list = [];
for (i = 0; i < index.length; i += 1) {
list[list.length] = this.get(i);
return list;
this.update = function (list) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
throw new TypeError("LocalStorageArray().saveArray(): " +
"Argument 1 is not of type 'array'");
var i, location;
// update previous values
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
location = index[i];
if (location === undefined || location === null) {
location = nextId();
index[i] = location;
localStorage[namespace + '.' + location] =
// remove last ones
while (list.length < index.length) {
location = index.pop();
if (location !== undefined && location !== null) {
delete localStorage[namespace + '.' + location];
// store index
localStorage[namespace + '.index'] = JSON.stringify(index);
return this;
LocalStorageArray.saveArray = function (namespace, list) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
throw new TypeError("LocalStorageArray.saveArray(): " +
"Argument 2 is not of type 'array'");
var local_storage_array = new LocalStorageArray(namespace).clear(), i;
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
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