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Commit e4ee58ba authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

localstorage.js check and repair method added

parent 54381c3d
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true */
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true, regexp: true */
/*global jIO, localStorage, setTimeout, complex_queries, window, define,
exports, require */
......@@ -451,6 +451,204 @@
* Check the storage or a specific document
* @method check
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} param The command parameters
* @param {Object} options The command options
LocalStorage.prototype.check = function (command, param) {
this.genericRepair(command, param, false);
* Repair the storage or a specific document
* @method repair
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} param The command parameters
* @param {Object} options The command options
*/ = function (command, param) {
this.genericRepair(command, param, true);
* A generic method that manage check or repair command
* @method genericRepair
* @param {Object} command The JIO command
* @param {Object} param The command parameters
* @param {Boolean} repair If true then repair else just check
LocalStorage.prototype.genericRepair = function (command, param, repair) {
var that = this, result;
function referenceAttachment(param, attachment) {
if (jIO.util.indexOf(param.referenced_attachments, attachment) !== -1) {
var i = jIO.util.indexOf(param.unreferenced_attachments, attachment);
if (i !== -1) {
param.unreferenced_attachments.splice(i, 1);
param.referenced_attachments[param.referenced_attachments.length] =
function attachmentFound(param, attachment) {
if (jIO.util.indexOf(param.referenced_attachments, attachment) !== -1) {
if (jIO.util.indexOf(param.unreferenced_attachments, attachment) !== -1) {
param.unreferenced_attachments[param.unreferenced_attachments.length] =
function repairOne(param, repair) {
var i, doc, modified;
doc = that._storage.getItem(that._localpath + "/" + param._id);
if (doc === null) {
return; // OK
// check document type
if (typeof doc !== 'object') {
// wrong document
if (!repair) {
return {"error": true, "answers": [
"Document is unrecoverable"
// delete the document
that._storage.removeItem(that._localpath + "/" + param._id);
return; // OK
// good document type
// repair json document
if (!repair) {
if (!(new jIO.Metadata(doc).check())) {
return {"error": true, "answers": [
"Some metadata might be lost"
} else {
modified = jIO.util.uniqueJSONStringify(doc) !==
jIO.util.uniqueJSONStringify(new jIO.Metadata(doc).format()._dict);
if (doc._attachments !== undefined) {
if (typeof doc._attachments !== 'object') {
if (!repair) {
return {"error": true, "answers": [
"Attachments are unrecoverable"
delete doc._attachments;
that._storage.setItem(that._localpath + "/" + param._id, doc);
return; // OK
for (i in doc._attachments) {
if (doc._attachments.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// check attachment existence
if (that._storage.getItem(that._localpath + "/" + param._id + "/" +
i) !== 'string') {
if (!repair) {
return {"error": true, "answers": [
"missing attachment",
"Attachment \"" + i + "\" of \"" + param._id + "\" is missing"
delete doc._attachments[i];
if (objectIsEmpty(doc._attachments)) {
delete doc._attachments;
modified = true;
} else {
// attachment exists
// check attachment metadata
// check length
referenceAttachment(param, param._id + "/" + doc._attachments[i]);
if (doc._attachments[i].length !== undefined &&
typeof doc._attachments[i].length !== 'number') {
if (!repair) {
return {"error": true, "answers": [
"Attachment metadata length corrupted"
// It could take a long time to get the length, no repair.
// length can be omited
delete doc._attachments[i].length;
// It could take a long time to regenerate the hash, no check.
// Impossible to discover the attachment content type.
if (modified) {
that._storage.setItem(that._localpath + "/" + param._id, doc);
// OK
function repairAll(param, repair) {
var i, result;
for (i in that._database) {
if (that._database.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// browsing every entry
if (i.slice(0, that._localpath.length) === that._localpath) {
// is part of the user space
if (/^[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/.test(i.slice(that._localpath.length + 1))) {
// this is an attachment
attachmentFound(param, i.slice(that._localpath.length + 1));
} else if (/^[^\/]+$/.test(i.slice(that._localpath.length + 1))) {
// this is a document
param._id = i.slice(that._localpath.length + 1);
result = repairOne(param, repair);
if (result) {
return result;
} else {
// this is pollution
// remove unreferenced attachments
for (i = 0; i < param.unreferenced_attachments.length; i += 1) {
that._storage.removeItem(that._localpath + "/" +
param.referenced_attachments = [];
param.unreferenced_attachments = [];
if (typeof param._id === 'string') {
result = repairOne(param, repair) || {};
} else {
result = repairAll(param, repair) || {};
if (result.error) {
return command.error.apply(command, result.answers || []);
command.success.apply(command, result.answers || []);
jIO.addStorage('local', LocalStorage);
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