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Commit 139448e5 authored by Benjamin Blanc's avatar Benjamin Blanc

erp5_test_result: ERP5ScalabilityDistributor: factorize startTestSuite

parent 24c177de
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
master_test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_list if x.getMaster()==True ]
# Get test suites and aggregate them to all valid testnode
test_suite_list = [ x.getTitle() for x in test_suite_module.searchFolder(
test_suite_list = [ x.getRelativeUrl() for x in test_suite_module.searchFolder(
portal_type="Scalability Test Suite",
validation_state="validated", specialise_uid=self.getUid())]
for test_node in test_node_list:
......@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
def startTestSuite(self,title, batch_mode=0):
def startTestSuite(self,title, batch_mode=0, computer_guid='unknown'):
startTestSuite : subscribe node + return testsuite list to the master
......@@ -169,54 +169,15 @@ class ERP5ScalabilityDistributor(ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor):
# he does not have to receive any testsuites
master_test_node_title = [x.getTitle() for x in test_node_module.searchFolder(
validatation_state = 'validated') if (x.getMaster() == True) ][0]
if title != master_test_node_title:
if title == master_test_node_title:
return super(ERP5ScalabilityDistributor,
self).startTestSuite(title=title, batch_mode=batch_mode, computer_guid=computer_guid)
if batch_mode:
return []
return json.dumps([])
if test_node != None:
test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateList()
# We sort the list according to timestamp
choice_list = []
if len(test_suite_list):
choice_list = [x.getObject() for x in test_suite_module.searchFolder(
) if x.getTitle() in test_suite_list]
# XXX we should have first test suite with no test node working on
# them since a long time. However we do not have this information yet,
# so random sort is better for now.
choice_list.sort(key=lambda x: random.random())
for test_suite in choice_list:
config = {}
config["project_title"] = test_suite.getSourceProjectTitle()
config["test_suite"] = test_suite.getTestSuite()
config["test_suite_title"] = test_suite.getTitle()
config["additional_bt5_repository_id"] = test_suite.getAdditionalBt5RepositoryId()
config["test_suite_reference"] = test_suite.getReference()
# config["cluster_configuration"] = test_suite.getClusterConfiguration()
# config["cluster_constraint"] = test_suite.getClusterConstraint()
#config["number_configuration"] = test_suite.getNumberConfiguration()
config["number_configuration"] = len(test_suite.getGraphCoordinate())
vcs_repository_list = []
#In this case objectValues is faster than searchFolder
for repository in test_suite.objectValues(portal_type="Test Suite Repository"):
repository_dict = {}
for property_name in ["git_url", "profile_path", "buildout_section_id", "branch"]:
property_value = repository.getProperty(property_name)
# the property name url returns the object's url, so it is mandatory use another name.
if property_name == "git_url":
if property_value is not None:
repository_dict[property_name] = property_value
config["vcs_repository_list"] = vcs_repository_list
to_delete_key_list = [x for x,y in config.items() if y==None]
[config.pop(x) for x in to_delete_key_list]
if batch_mode:
return config_list
return json.dumps(config_list)
def generateConfiguration(self, test_suite_title, batch_mode=0):
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