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Commit 620f865a authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

Refactor: Support order_by_list in Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList.

parent ea301ea4
......@@ -477,11 +477,12 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
def _generateSQLKeywordDictFromKeywordDict(self, table='stock', sql_kw={},
ctool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
sql_kw = sql_kw.copy()
new_kw = new_kw.copy()
catalog = ctool.getSQLCatalog()
sql_kw = catalog.getCannonicalArgumentDict(sql_kw)
new_kw = catalog.getCannonicalArgumentDict(new_kw)
# Group-by expression (eg. group_by=['node_uid'])
group_by = new_kw.pop('group_by', [])
group_by = new_kw.pop('group_by_list', [])
# group by from stock table (eg. group_by_node=True)
# prepend table name to avoid ambiguities.
......@@ -503,7 +504,7 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
if group_by:
new_kw['group_by'] = group_by
new_kw['group_by_list'] = group_by
# select expression
select_dict = new_kw.setdefault('select_dict', {})
......@@ -556,16 +557,23 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
new_kw['query'] = simulation_query
# Sort on
if 'sort_on' in new_kw:
table_column_list = ctool.getSQLCatalog()._getCatalogSchema(
if 'order_by_list' in new_kw:
table_column_list = catalog._getCatalogSchema(
sort_on = new_kw['sort_on']
sort_on = new_kw['order_by_list']
new_sort_on = []
for column_id, sort_direction in sort_on:
if column_id in table_column_list:
column_id = '%s.%s' % (table, column_id)
new_sort_on.append((column_id, sort_direction))
new_kw['sort_on'] = tuple(new_sort_on)
new_kw['order_by_list'] = tuple(new_sort_on)
# Extend select_dict by order_by_list columns.
extra_column_list = filter(
lambda x: not x.endswith('__score__'),
{i[0] for i in new_kw.get('order_by_list', [])})
new_kw.setdefault('select_dict', {}).update({
'%s__ext__' % x.replace('.', '_'): x for x in extra_column_list})
# Remove some internal parameters that does not have any meaning for
# catalog
......@@ -2015,7 +2023,6 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
kw['movement_list_mode'] = 1
kw['auto_extend_select_list'] = True
sql_kw = self._generateSQLKeywordDict(**kw)
return self.Resource_zGetMovementHistoryList(
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