Commit ab9b7807 authored by Sven Franck's avatar Sven Franck


parent 8990466a
# jIO
jIO is a promised-based JavaScript library that offers connectors to many storages (Dropbox, webdav, IndexedDB, GDrive, ...) using a single API. jIO supports offline use, replication, encryption and synchronization as well as querying of stored documents and attachments allowing to build complex client-side centric web applications.
### jIO Documentation
The documentation can be found on [](
### jIO Quickstart
git clone
npm install
grunt server
### jIO Code
RenderJS source code is hosted on Gitlab at []( (Github [mirror]( - please use the issue tracker on Gitlab)
### jIO Test
You can run tests after installing and building jIO by opening the */test/* folder
## Javascript Input/Output
# jIO
**jIO is a client-side JavaScript library to manage documents across multiple
jIO is a promised-based JavaScript library that offers connectors to many storages (Dropbox, webdav, IndexedDB, GDrive, ...) using a single API. jIO supports offline use, replication, encryption and synchronization as well as querying of stored documents and attachments allowing to build complex client-side centric web applications.
### Getting Started
### jIO Documentation
To set up jIO you should include jio.js, dependencies and the connectors for the storages
you want to use in the HTML page header (note that more dependencies may be required
depending on type of storages being used):
The documentation can be found on [](
<script src="RSVP.js"></script>
<script src="jio-latest.js"></script>
Then create your jIO instance like this:
// create a new jio
var jio_instance = jIO.createJIO({
type: "query",
sub_storage: {
type: "uuid",
sub_storage: {
"type": "indexeddb",
"database": "test"
### Documents and Methods
Documents are JSON strings that contain *metadata* (properties, like a filename)
and *attachments* (optional content, for example *image.jpg*).
jIO exposes the following methods to *create*, *read*, *update* and *delete* documents
(for more information, including revision management and available options for
each method, please refer to the documentation):
// create and store new document{"title": "some title"})
.then(function (new_id) {
// create or update an existing document
jio_instance.put(new_id, {"title": "New Title"})
.then(function ()
// console.log("Document stored");
// add an attachement to a document
jio_instance.putAttachment(document_id, attachment_id, new Blob())
.then(function () {
// console.log("Blob stored");
// read a document
.then(function (document) {
// console.log(document);
// {
// "title": "New Title",
// }
// read an attachement
jio_instance.getAttachment(document_id, attachment_id)
.then(function (blob) {
// console.log(blob);
// delete a document and its attachment(s)
.then(function () {
// console.log("Document deleted");
// delete an attachement
jio_instance.removeAttachment(document_id, attachment_id)
.then(function () {
// console.log("Attachment deleted");
// get all documents
jio_instance.allDocs().then(function (response) {
// console.log(response);
// {
// "data": {
// "total_rows": 1,
// "rows": [{
// "id": "my_document",
// "value": {}
// }]
// }
// }
### Example
This is an example of how to store a video file with one attachment in local
storage. Note that attachments should be added after document creation.
// create a new localStorage
var jio_instance = jIO.createJIO({
"type": "local",
var my_video_blob = new Blob([my_video_binary_string], {
"type": "video/ogg"
// post the document
jio_instance.put("myVideo", {
"title" : "My Video",
"format" : ["video/ogg", "vorbis", "HD"],
"language" : "en",
"description" : "Images Compilation"
}).then(function (response) {
// add video attachment
return jio_instance.putAttachment(
}).then(function (response) {
alert('Video Stored');
}, function (err) {
alert('Error when attaching the video');
}, function (progression) {
### Storage Locations
jIO allows to build "storage trees" consisting of connectors to multiple
storages (webDav, xWiki, S3, localStorage) and use type-storages to add features
like revision management or indices to a child storage (sub_storage).
The following storages are currently supported:
- LocalStorage (browser local storage)
- IndexedDB
- ERP5Storage
- DAVStorage (connect to webDAV, more information on the
For more information on the specific storages including guidelines on how to
create your own connector, please also refer to the [documentation](
### jIO Query
jIO can use queries, which can be run in the allDocs() method to query document
lists. A sample query would look like this (note that not all storages support
allDocs and jio queries, and that pre-querying of documents on distant storages
should best be done server-side):
// run allDocs with query option on an existing jIO
"query": '(fieldX: >= "string" AND fieldY: < "string")',
// records to display ("from to")
"limit": [0, 5],
// sort by
"sort_on": [[<string A>, 'descending']],
// fields to return in response
"select_list": [<string A>, <string B>]
}).then(function (response) {
// console.log(response);
// {
// "total_rows": 1,
// "rows": [{
// "id": <string>,
// "value": {
// <string A>: <string>,
// <string B>: <string>
// }
// }, { .. }]
// }
To find out more about queries, please refer to the documentation.
### Authors
- Francois Billioud
- Tristan Cavelier
- Sven Franck
- Romain Courteaud
### Copyright and license
jIO is an open-source library and is licensed under the LGPL license. More
information on LGPL can be found
### Contribute
Get development environment:
git clone jio.git
cd jio.git
### jIO Quickstart
git clone
npm install
alias grunt="./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt"
Run tests:
grunt server
and open
### jIO Code
RenderJS source code is hosted on Gitlab at []( (Github [mirror]( - please use the issue tracker on Gitlab)
Submit merge requests on
### jIO Test
You can run tests after installing and building jIO by opening the */test/* folder
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