Commit e5ff2cc2 authored by Thomas Lechauve's avatar Thomas Lechauve

Authentication added when send request to REST API

parent d0b7358f
;(function($) {
var methods = {
defaults: {
host: ''
init: function( options ){
var settings = $.extend({
'host': ''
}, options);
var methods = {
init: function( options ){
var settings = $.extend({
'host': '',
'access_token': '',
'clientID': ''
}, options);
return this.each(function(){
methods['store'] = Modernizr.localstorage ? methods.lStore : methods.cStore;
$(this).slapos('store', 'host',;
/* Local storage method */
lStore: function(name, value){
return value == undefined ? window.localStorage[name] : window.localStorage[name] = value;
return false;
/* Cookie storage method */
cStore: function(name, value){
if(value != undefined){
document.cookie = name+"="+value+";domain="+window.location.hostname+";path="+window.location.pathname;
var i,x,y, cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for(i=0; i<cookies.length; i++){
x = cookies[i].substr(0, cookies[i].indexOf('='));
y = cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf('=')+1);
if(x == name) return unescape(y);
return this.each(function(){
methods['store'] = Modernizr.localstorage ? methods.lStore : methods.cStore;
for(var setting in settings){
$(this).slapos('store', setting, settings[setting]);
statusDefault: function(){
return {
0: function(){ console.error("status error code: 0"); },
404: function(){ console.error("status error code: Not Found !"); }
request: function(type, url, callback, statusEvent, data){
data = data || '';
statusEvent = statusEvent || this.statusDefault;
return this.each(function(){
dataType: 'json',
data: data,
context: $(this),
type: type,
statusCode: statusEvent,
success: callback
newInstance: function(data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/request', callback, statusEvent, data);
deleteInstance: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'DELETE', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstance: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstanceCert: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/'+id+'/certificate', callback, statusEvent);
bangInstance: function(id, log, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/instance/'+id+'/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
editInstance: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newComputer: function(data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer', callback, statusEvent, data);
getComputer: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/computer/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
editComputer: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/computer/'+id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newSoftware: function(computerId, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+computerId+'/supply', callback, statusEvent, data);
bangComputer: function(id, log, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+id+'/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
computerReport: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+id+'/report', callback, statusEvent, data);
$.fn.slapos = function(method){
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.slapos' );
\ No newline at end of file
/* Getters & Setters shortcuts */
access_token: function( value ){
return $(this).slapos('store', 'access_token', value);
host: function( value ){
return $(this).slapos('store', 'host', value);
clientID: function( value ){
return $(this).slapos('store', 'clientID', value);
/* Local storage method */
lStore: function( name, value ) {
return value == undefined ? window.localStorage[name] : window.localStorage[name] = value;
return false;
/* Cookie storage method */
cStore: function(name, value){
if(value != undefined){
document.cookie = name+"="+value+";domain="+window.location.hostname+";path="+window.location.pathname;
var i,x,y, cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for(i=0; i<cookies.length; i++){
x = cookies[i].substr(0, cookies[i].indexOf('='));
y = cookies[i].substr(cookies[i].indexOf('=')+1);
if(x == name) return unescape(y);
statusDefault: function(){
return {
0: function(){ console.error("status error code: 0"); },
404: function(){ console.error("status error code: Not Found !"); }
request: function( type, url, callback, statusEvent, data ) {
data = data || '';
statusEvent = statusEvent || this.statusDefault;
return this.each(function(){
url: "http://"+$(this).slapos('host')+url,
type: type,
contentType: 'application/octet-stream',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
dataType: 'json',
context: $(this),
beforeSend: function(xhr){
if( $(this).slapos("access_token") ) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", $(this).slapos("store","token_type") + " " + $(this).slapos("access_token"));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
statusCode: statusEvent,
success: callback
newInstance: function(data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/instance', callback, statusEvent, data);
deleteInstance: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'DELETE', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstance: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
getInstanceCert: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/instance/'+id+'/certificate', callback, statusEvent);
bangInstance: function(id, log, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/instance/'+id+'/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
editInstance: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/instance/'+id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newComputer: function(data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer', callback, statusEvent, data);
getComputer: function(id, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'GET', '/computer/'+id, callback, statusEvent);
editComputer: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'PUT', '/computer/'+id, callback, statusEvent, data);
newSoftware: function(computerId, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+computerId+'/supply', callback, statusEvent, data);
bangComputer: function(id, log, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+id+'/bang', callback, statusEvent, log);
computerReport: function(id, data, callback, statusEvent){
return $(this).slapos('request', 'POST', '/computer/'+id+'/report', callback, statusEvent, data);
$.fn.slapos = function(method){
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.slapos' );
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