Commit ec76e0ef authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

slapos_web: Get ID from the section to define the CSS.

parent 168f1263
......@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@
<persistent> <string encoding="base64">AAAAAAAAAAM=</string> </persistent>
<key> <string>editable</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>field_id</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
......@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@
<key> <string>_text</string> </key>
<value> <string>python:"nolabel sectionTitle %s" % context.getId()</string> </value>
<value> <string>python:"nolabel sectionTitle %s" % here.getWebSectionValue().getId()</string> </value>
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