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from zLOG import LOG
from Products.ERP5Type.Message import Message
from Ft.Xml import Parse

def CheckbookReception_importItemFile(self, import_file=None, REQUEST=None, **kw):
  reference_dict = {}
  reference_dict['BON_VIREMENT'] = 'BV'
  # We will build a several listbox like it is already done into the user interface
  # A listbox will be build for every resource
  xml_content = Parse(import_file)
  file_item_list = xml_content.xpath('//object')
  # First, construct a dictionnary for every resource
  import_dict = {}
  for item in file_item_list:
    checkbook_id = item.xpath("string(@id)")
    check_quantity = str(item.xpath("string(./check_quantity)"))
    reference_min = str(item.xpath("string(./reference_min)"))
    reference_max = str(item.xpath("string(./reference_max)"))
    quantity = str(item.xpath("string(./quantity)"))
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
    internal_account_number = item.xpath("string(./numero_interne)")
    checkbook_type = item.xpath("string(./checkbook_type)")
    type = str(item.xpath("string(./checkbook_type)"))
    gid = str(item.xpath("string(./gid)"))
    checkbook_dict = import_dict.setdefault(checkbook_type, {})
    account_dict = checkbook_dict.setdefault(internal_account_number, {})
    item_dict = account_dict.setdefault(gid, {})
    item_dict['reference_min'] = reference_min
    item_dict['reference_max'] = reference_max
    item_dict['check_quantity'] = check_quantity
    item_dict['quantity'] = quantity
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
    item_dict['internal_account_number'] = internal_account_number

  listbox_dict = {}
  for (checkbook_type, checkbook_dict) in import_dict.items():
    listbox = []
    i = 0
    resource_list = self.portal_catalog(portal_type=['Checkbook Model',
                                                     'Check Model'],
                                        reference = reference_dict[checkbook_type])
    if len(resource_list) != 1:
      raise ValueError, "The import does not support this type : %s" % checkbook_type
    resource = resource_list[0].getObject()
    resource_relative_url = resource.getRelativeUrl()
    resource_amount_dict = {}
    is_checkbook = 0
    if resource.getPortalType() == 'Checkbook Model':
      is_checkbook = 1
    if is_checkbook:
      for amount in resource.objectValues(
          portal_type="Checkbook Model Check Amount Variation"):
        resource_amount_dict["%i" % amount.getQuantity()] = "check_amount/%s" % \
    for  (account, account_dict) in checkbook_dict.items():
      for (gid, item_dict) in account_dict.items():
        listbox_line = {}
        listbox_line['listbox_key'] = '%05i' % i
        listbox_line['reference_range_min'] = item_dict['reference_min']
        listbox_line['reference_range_max'] = item_dict['reference_max']
        listbox_line['destination_payment_reference'] = item_dict['internal_account_number']
62 63
        #listbox_line['quantity'] = 1
        listbox_line['quantity'] = item_dict['quantity']
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
        if is_checkbook:
          listbox_line['check_amount'] = resource_amount_dict[item_dict['check_quantity']]
    listbox_dict[resource_relative_url] = listbox
  # First make sure there is no errors
  message = None
  error_value = 0
  for (resource_relative_url, listbox) in listbox_dict.items():
    REQUEST['resource'] = resource_relative_url
    (error_value, field_error_dict) = self.CheckDelivery_generateCheckDetailInputDialog(
    if error_value:
      message = field_error_dict.values()[0].error_text
      redirect_url = '%s/view?%s' % ( self.absolute_url()
                                , 'portal_status_message=%s' % message)
      REQUEST['RESPONSE'].redirect( redirect_url )

  # Then create everything
  if not error_value:
    for (resource_relative_url, listbox) in listbox_dict.items():
      REQUEST['resource'] = resource_relative_url
      self.CheckDetail_saveFastInputLine(listbox=listbox, check=0, 

    message = Message(domain='ui', message='File Imported successfully')
95 96 97 98 99
  return message