Commit b133cf8d authored by Yoshinori Okuji's avatar Yoshinori Okuji

2010-05-18 yo

* Have Base_getSpecialisedAggregatedAmountList to pass the parameter rounding to getAggregatedAmountList. It defaults to True, as this method is used for UI, and rounding should be applied in the UI in most cases.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 0680a972
No related merge requests found
......@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
<value> <string>specialise = context.getSpecialiseValue(portal_type=(\'Purchase Trade Condition\',\'Sale Trade Condition\'))\n
if specialise is not None:\n
return specialise.getAggregatedAmountList(context)\n
rounding = kwargs.get(\'rounding\', True)\n
return specialise.getAggregatedAmountList(context, rounding=rounding)\n
return []\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -101,6 +102,8 @@ return []\n
2010-05-18 yo
* Have Base_getSpecialisedAggregatedAmountList to pass the parameter rounding to getAggregatedAmountList. It defaults to True, as this method is used for UI, and rounding should be applied in the UI in most cases.
2010-05-17 yo
* Inventory Line and Inventory Cell are not invoice movements.
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