Commit b8b33cd1 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

* add attachment even if we use Next Step button without clic on "upload file"

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent e0f61545
......@@ -75,6 +75,28 @@
from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import ValidationFailed\n
portal_status_message = \'\'\n
# add the attachments :\n
request = context.REQUEST\n
translateString = context.Base_translateString\n
result, mode = context.Base_edit(\'DeclarationTVA_viewAttachmentReportSection\', silent_mode=1, field_prefix=\'your_\')\n
attachment_count = 0\n
if mode == \'edit\':\n
(kw, encapsulated_editor_list) = result\n
if kw.has_key(\'attachment\') and kw.has_key(\'attachment_title\'):\n
attachment_list = zip(kw[\'attachment\'], kw[\'attachment_title\'])\n
portal_status_message = translateString("No attachment was added. Please select a file to add an attachment.")\n
# XXX make sure it is a list\n
for attachment, title in attachment_list:\n
if attachment:\n
attachment_count += 1\n
file = context.newContent(portal_type=\'File\', file=attachment, title=title)\n
if attachment_count:\n
portal_status_message = translateString("Added ${attachment_count} attachment(s) to the current form.",\n
mapping = dict(attachment_count=attachment_count))\n
next_url_dict = {\n
\'DeclarationTVA_view\' : \'DeclarationTVA_viewAttachmentList\',\n
......@@ -108,7 +130,9 @@ else:\n
successful_edit_redirect_url = \'%s/%s\' % (context.absolute_url(), next_url)\n
result = request[\'RESPONSE\'].redirect(successful_edit_redirect_url) \n
return result\n
#return result\n
return context.Base_redirect(successful_edit_redirect_url, keep_items = dict(portal_status_message = portal_status_message), **kw)\n
</string> </value>
......@@ -131,7 +155,7 @@ return result\n
<key> <string>_params</string> </key>
<value> <string>form_id, selection_index=0, selection_name=\'\', dialog_id=\'\', ignore_layout=0, editable_mode=1, silent_mode=0, field_prefix=\'my_\'</string> </value>
<value> <string>form_id, selection_index=0, selection_name=\'\', dialog_id=\'\', ignore_layout=0, editable_mode=1, silent_mode=0, field_prefix=\'my_\', **kw</string> </value>
<key> <string>errors</string> </key>
......@@ -165,17 +189,32 @@ return result\n
......@@ -202,6 +241,12 @@ return result\n
<key> <string>id</string> </key>
<value> <string>EGov_Base_editAndNextStep</string> </value>
<key> <string>uid</string> </key>
<key> <string>warnings</string> </key>
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