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Basic Tutorial

The Basics of Cython

The fundamental nature of Cython can be summed up as follows: Cython is Python with C data types.

Cython is Python: Almost any piece of Python code is also valid Cython code. (There are a few :ref:`cython-limitations`, but this approximation will serve for now.) The Cython compiler will convert it into C code which makes equivalent calls to the Python/C API.

But Cython is much more than that, because parameters and variables can be declared to have C data types. Code which manipulates Python values and C values can be freely intermixed, with conversions occurring automatically wherever possible. Reference count maintenance and error checking of Python operations is also automatic, and the full power of Python's exception handling facilities, including the try-except and try-finally statements, is available to you -- even in the midst of manipulating C data.

Cython Hello World

As Cython can accept almost any valid python source file, one of the hardest things in getting started is just figuring out how to compile your extension.

So lets start with the canonical python hello world:

print "Hello World"

Save this code in a file named :file:`helloworld.pyx`. Now we need to create the :file:``, which is like a python Makefile (for more information see :ref:`compilation`). Your :file:`` should look like:

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize

    ext_modules = cythonize("helloworld.pyx")

To use this to build your Cython file use the commandline options:

$ python build_ext --inplace

Which will leave a file in your local directory called :file:`` in unix or :file:`helloworld.pyd` in Windows. Now to use this file: start the python interpreter and simply import it as if it was a regular python module:

>>> import helloworld
Hello World

Congratulations! You now know how to build a Cython extension. But so far this example doesn't really give a feeling why one would ever want to use Cython, so lets create a more realistic example.

:mod:`pyximport`: Cython Compilation for Developers

If your module doesn't require any extra C libraries or a special build setup, then you can use the pyximport module, originally developed by Paul Prescod, to load .pyx files directly on import, without having to run your :file:`` file each time you change your code. It is shipped and installed with Cython and can be used like this:

>>> import pyximport; pyximport.install()
>>> import helloworld
Hello World

Since Cython 0.11, the :mod:`pyximport` module also has experimental compilation support for normal Python modules. This allows you to automatically run Cython on every .pyx and .py module that Python imports, including the standard library and installed packages. Cython will still fail to compile a lot of Python modules, in which case the import mechanism will fall back to loading the Python source modules instead. The .py import mechanism is installed like this:

>>> pyximport.install(pyimport = True)

Note that it is not recommended to let :mod:`pyximport` build code on end user side as it hooks into their import system. The best way to cater for end users is to provide pre-built binary packages in the wheel packaging format.

Fibonacci Fun

From the official Python tutorial a simple fibonacci function is defined as:

Now following the steps for the Hello World example we first rename the file to have a .pyx extension, lets say :file:`fib.pyx`, then we create the :file:`` file. Using the file created for the Hello World example, all that you need to change is the name of the Cython filename, and the resulting module name, doing this we have:

Build the extension with the same command used for the helloworld.pyx:

$ python build_ext --inplace

And use the new extension with:

>>> import fib
>>> fib.fib(2000)
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597


Here's a small example showing some of what can be done. It's a routine for finding prime numbers. You tell it how many primes you want, and it returns them as a Python list.


You'll see that it starts out just like a normal Python function definition, except that the parameter nb_primes is declared to be of type int . This means that the object passed will be converted to a C integer (or a TypeError. will be raised if it can't be).

Now, let's dig into the core of the function:

cdef int n, i, len_p
cdef int p[1000]

Lines 2 and 3 use the cdef statement to define some local C variables. The result is put in p, it will be converted to a python list at the end of the function (line 22).

if nb_primes > 1000:
    nb_primes = 1000

As in C, declaring a static array requires knowing the size at compile time. We make sure the user doesn't set a value above 1000 (or we'll have a nice segmentation fault, just like in C).

len_p = 0  # The number of elements in p
n = 2
while len_p < nb_primes:

Lines 7-9 set up for a loop which will test candidate numbers for primeness until the required number of primes has been found.

# Is n prime?
for i in p[:len_p]:
    if n % i == 0:

Lines 11-12, which try dividing a candidate by all the primes found so far, are of particular interest. Because no Python objects are referred to, the loop is translated entirely into C code, and thus runs very fast. You will notice the way we iterate over the p C array.

for i in p[:len_p]:

The loop gets translated into C code transparently. No more ugly C for loops! Well don't forget how to loop in C style with integers yet, you might need it someday. If you don't use :len_p then Cython will loop over the 1000 elements of the array (it won't go out of bounds and give a segmentation fault).

# If no break occurred in the loop
    p[len_p] = n
    len_p += 1
n += 1

If no breaks occurred, it means that we found a prime, and the block of code after the else line 16 will be executed. We add the prime found to p. If you find having a else after a for loop strange, just know that it's a hidden secret of the python syntax, and actually doesn't exist in C! But since Cython is made to be written with the Python syntax, it'll work out, as if you wrote Python code, but at C speed in this case. If the for...else syntax still confuses you, see this excellent blog post.

# Let's put the result in a python list:
result_as_list  = [prime for prime in p[:len_p]]
return result_as_list

Line 22, before returning the result, we need to convert our C array into a Python list, because Python can't read C arrays. Note that Cython handle for you the conversion of quite some types between C and Python (you can see exactly which :ref:`here<type-conversion>`. But not C arrays. We can trick Cython into doing it because Cython knows how to convert a C int to a Python int. By doing a list comprehension, we "cast" each C int prime from p into a Python int. You could have also iterated manually over the C array and used result_as_list.append(prime), the result would have been the same.

You'll notice we declare a Python list exactly the same way it would be in Python. Because the variable result_as_list hasn't been given a type, it is assumed to hold a Python object.

Finally, at line 18, a normal Python return statement returns the result list.

Compiling primes.pyx with the Cython compiler produces an extension module which we can try out in the interactive interpreter as follows:

>>> import primes
>>> primes.primes(10)
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]

See, it works! And if you're curious about how much work Cython has saved you, take a look at the C code generated for this module.

It is always good to check where is the Python interaction in the code with the annotate=True parameter in cythonize(). Let's see:


The function declaration and return use the Python interpreter so it makes sense for those lines to be yellow. Same for the list comprehension because it involves the creation of a python object. But the line if n % i == 0:, why? We can examine the generated C code to understand:


We can see that some checks happen. Because Cython defaults to the Python behavior, the language will perform division checks at runtime, just like Python does. You can deactivate those checks by using the :ref:`compiler directives<compiler-directives>`.

Now let's see if, even if we have division checks, we obtained a boost in speed. Let's write the same program, but Python-style:

def primes_python(nb_primes):
    p = []
    n = 2
    while len(p) < nb_primes:
        # Is n prime?
        for i in p:
            if n % i == 0:

        # If no break occurred in the loop
        n += 1
    return p

Now we can ensure that those two programs output the same values:

>>> primes_python(500) == primes(500)

It's possible to compare the speed now:

>>> %timeit primes_python(500)

5.8 ms ± 178 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

>>> %timeit primes(500)

502 µs ± 2.22 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

The Cython version is 11 550 times faster than the Python version! What could explain this?

Multiple things:
  • In this program, very little computation happen at each line. So the overhead of the python interpreter is very important. It would be very different if you were to do a lot computation at each line. Using NumPy for example.
  • Data locality. It's likely that a lot more can fit in CPU cache when using C than when using Python. Because everything in python is an object, and every object is implemented as a dictionary, this is not very cache friendly.

It's worth mentioning that you won't usually get speedups like this. We very likeky touched a sweet spot with the CPU cache. Usually the speedups are between 2x to 1000x. As always, remember to profile before adding types everywhere.

Language Details

For more about the Cython language, see :ref:`language-basics`. To dive right in to using Cython in a numerical computation context, see :ref:`numpy_tutorial`.