Commit 8028f48c authored by scoder's avatar scoder Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2256 from gabrieldemarmiesse/added_warning_for_convention

Transfered warning from the reference guide to the user guide.
parents 33f19029 f85e7975
......@@ -279,6 +279,12 @@ Reference counting for these objects is performed automatically according to
the standard Python/C API rules (i.e. borrowed references are taken as
parameters and a new reference is returned).
.. warning::
This only applies to Cython code. Other Python packages which
are implemented in C like NumPy may not follow these conventions.
The name object can also be used to explicitly declare something as a Python
object. This can be useful if the name being declared would otherwise be taken
as the name of a type, for example,::
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