Commit a471b0ca authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

adapt test to PyPy

parent ac0a7365
......@@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ cdef struct MyStruct:
float f
char *s
bhello = b"hello" # must hold a C reference in PyPy
def test_obj_to_struct(MyStruct mystruct):
>>> test_obj_to_struct(dict(c=10, i=20, f=6.7, s=b"hello"))
>>> test_obj_to_struct(dict(c=10, i=20, f=6.7, s=bhello))
c=10 i=20 f=6.70 s=hello
>>> test_obj_to_struct(None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
......@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@ def test_obj_to_struct(MyStruct mystruct):
TypeError: an integer is required
print 'c=%d i=%d f=%.2f s=%s' % (mystruct.c, mystruct.i, mystruct.f, mystruct.s.decode('UTF-8'))
print 'c=%d i=%d f=%.2f s=%s' % (mystruct.c, mystruct.i, mystruct.f, mystruct.s.decode('ascii'))
cdef struct NestedStruct:
MyStruct mystruct
......@@ -103,7 +105,7 @@ cdef struct NestedStruct:
def test_nested_obj_to_struct(NestedStruct nested):
>>> test_nested_obj_to_struct(dict(mystruct=dict(c=10, i=20, f=6.7, s=b"hello"), d=4.5))
>>> test_nested_obj_to_struct(dict(mystruct=dict(c=10, i=20, f=6.7, s=bhello), d=4.5))
c=10 i=20 f=6.70 s=hello d=4.50
>>> test_nested_obj_to_struct(dict(d=7.6))
Traceback (most recent call last):
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