Commit dffd0a32 authored by Danilo Freitas's avatar Danilo Freitas

Tests for operators and templates

parent a91b6e27
......@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ class CppClassType(CType):
return PyrexTypes.error_type
if len(self.templates) != len(template_values):
error(pos, "%s templated type receives %d arguments, got %d" %
(base_type, len(self.templates), len(template_values)))
return PyrexTypes.error_type
(, len(self.templates), len(template_values)))
return error_type
return self.specialize(dict(zip(self.templates, template_values)))
def specialize(self, values):
#ifndef _OPERATORS_H_
#define _OPERATORS_H_
class Operators
int value;
Operators() { }
Operators(int value) { this->value = value; }
virtual ~Operators() { }
Operators operator+(Operators f) { return Operators(this->value + f.value); }
Operators operator-(Operators f) { return Operators(this->value - f.value); }
Operators operator*(Operators f) { return Operators(this->value * f.value); }
Operators operator/(Operators f) { return Operators(this->value / f.value); }
bool operator<(Operators f) { return this->value < f.value; }
bool operator<=(Operators f) { return this->value <= f.value; }
bool operator==(Operators f) { return this->value == f.value; }
bool operator!=(Operators f) { return this->value != f.value; }
bool operator>(Operators f) { return this->value > f.value; }
bool operator>=(Operators f) { return this->value >= f.value; }
Operators operator>>(int v) { return Operators(this->value >> v); }
Operators operator<<(int v) { return Operators(this->value << v); }
Operators operator%(int v) { return Operators(this->value % v); }
cdef extern from "operators.h":
cdef cppclass Operators:
Operators __add__(Operators, Operators)
Operators __sub__(Operators, Operators)
Operators __mul__(Operators, Operators)
Operators __div__(Operators, Operators)
bool __lt__(Operators, Operators)
bool __le__(Operators, Operators)
bool __eq__(Operators, Operators)
bool __ne__(Operators, Operators)
bool __gt__(Operators, Operators)
bool __ge__(Operators, Operators)
Operators __rshift__(Operators, int)
Operators __lshift__(Operators, int)
Operators __mod__(Operators, int)
cdef int v = 10
cdef Operators a
cdef Operators b
cdef Operators c
c = a + b
c = a - b
c = a * b
c = a / b
c = a << 2
c = a >> 1
c = b % 2
a < b
a <= b
a == b
a != b
a > b
a >= b
#ifndef _TEMPLATES_H_
#define _TEMPLATES_H_
template<class T>
class TemplateTest1
T value;
int t;
TemplateTest1() { }
T getValue() { return value; }
template<class T, class U>
class TemplateTest2
T value1;
U value2;
TemplateTest2() { }
T getValue1() { return value1; }
U getValue2() { return value2; }
cdef extern from "templates.h":
cdef cppclass TemplateTest1[T]:
T value
int t
T getValue()
cdef cppclass TemplateTest2[T, U]:
T value1
U value2
T getValue1()
U getValue2()
cdef TemplateTest1[int] a
cdef TemplateTest1[int]* b = new TemplateTest1[int]()
cdef int c = a.getValue()
c = b.getValue()
cdef TemplateTest2[int, char] d
cdef TemplateTest2[int, char]* e = new TemplateTest2[int, char]()
c = d.getValue1()
c = e.getValue2()
cdef char f = d.getValue2()
f = e.getValue2()
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