3.12 KB
# We will bind on this address ...
# host =
# ... and this UDP port
# port = 1001
# required password to record a client, not checked if empty
# adminpass =

# as we are a service, we need some info to be run, such as:
# - the identity we will run into
# user = root
# group = root
# - our umask
# umask = 0077
# and where to record our PID
# pidfile= /var/run/

# here are described how to talk to our referent package server
# host =
# port = 9990
# mount_point = /imaging_api
# enablessl = True
# username = username
# password = password
# cacert = /etc/mmc/pulse2/imaging-server/keys/cacert.pem
# localcert = /etc/mmc/pulse2/imaging-server/keys/privkey.pem
# verifypeer = False

# hooks_dir = /usr/lib/pulse2/imaging-server/hooks
# 0xAD => "I'm new" action : menu creation request, triggered by the bootloader
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = given ID (short)
# arg[3] = given PASSWORD (optionnal)
# exit 0 on success
# create_client_path = create_client
# 0xAA => "I just booted" action : menu update request + inventory processing request, triggered by the bootloader
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# boot_client_path = boot_client
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = where the inventory is temporaly stored
# process_inventory_path = process_inventory
# 0xEC => "I just started a backup" : start a backup request, triggered by revoinc
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = kind of backup (L = image, B = Master)
# exit 0 on success
# start_image_path = start_image
# 0xED => "I just finished a backup" : end a backup request, triggered by revodoneimage
# end_image_path = end_image
# 0xCD => "Change my default menu" => change default menu request, triggered by revodefault
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = item to use
# exit 0 on success
# change_default_path = change_default
# 0x4C => log stuff
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = action :
#          0 => booted
#          1 => took item arg[3]
#          2 => starting restoration (more info in arg[3])
#          3 => finished restoration (more info in arg[3])
#          4 => starting backup (more info in arg[3])
#          5 => finished backup (more info in arg[3])
#          6 => started postinst
#          7 => finished postinst
#          8 => critical error
# arg[3] = optional, see upper
# exit 0 on success
# log_action_path = log_action
# 0x1A => asks for its UUID
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# exit 0 on success, UUID is the last line on stdout
# get_uuid_path = get_uuid
# 0x1B => asks for its Hostname
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# exit 0 on success, hostname is the last line on stdout
# get_hostname_path = get_hostname
# 0x54 => ask for time sync (for mtftp)
# arg[1] = source MAC (short)
# arg[2] = computed sync
# exit 0 on success
# mtftp_sync_path = mtftp_sync

keys = root

keys = hand01

keys = form01

level = NOTSET
handlers = hand01

class = FileHandler
level = INFO
formatter = form01
args = ("/var/log/mmc/pulse2-imaging-server.log",)

format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s