Commit bb464f07 authored by Casey Strouse's avatar Casey Strouse

Update Python from 2.7.12 to 2.7.13

Update to 2.7.13 and also ensure that the pip module is being installed. This is suppoed to be default behavior when installing from either source or binary and for some reason wasn't happening.
parent babfeb00
require 'package'
class Python27 < Package
version '2.7.12'
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '05360b8ade117b35e266b2004a7f1f11250c6dcd' # source tarball sha1 sum
version '2.7.13'
source_url '' # software source tarball url
source_sha1 '18a8f30a0356c751b8d0ea6f76e764cab13ee046' # source tarball sha1 sum
depends_on 'bz2'
depends_on 'ncurses'
depends_on 'openssl'
def # contains commands needed to build the software from source
system "./configure --prefix=/usr/local CPPFLAGS=\"-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/ncurses\" LDFLAGS=\"-L/usr/local/lib\" CFLAGS=\" -fPIC\""
system "./configure --prefix=/usr/local CPPFLAGS=\"-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/ncurses\" LDFLAGS=\"-L/usr/local/lib\" CFLAGS=\" -fPIC\" --with-ensure-pip=install"
system "make" # ordered chronologically
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