Commit bdd2f2b5 authored by Michał Siwek's avatar Michał Siwek

Include the ID of How can I help section to easify linking

parent f2b393c1
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
Because it needs Ruby, Git, GNU Make and GCC to work, and I only have an i686 Acer C7 Chromebook, so I can't port this software to other architectures. If Chromebrew will be widely used, I'm planning to raise money on Kickstarter to buy other Chromebooks and make Chromebrew work also on them.
<h3>How can I help?</h3>
<h3 id="howcanihelp">How can I help?</h3>
If you have a compatibile (i686) Chromebook, you can fork my Github repo and add some new packages to its <code>packages</code> directory if you managed to build them from source successfully on your device. Package recipes are simple Ruby files - here is an example:
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