2.48 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
disable = 0
displayLocalisationBar = 0
# Example of software filter when querying a computer inventory.
# All softwares containing the KB string will be excluded
# software_filter = %KB%

dbdriver = mysql
dbhost = %(mysql_host)s
dbport = %(mysql_port)s
dbuser = %(mysql_user)s
dbpasswd = %(mysql_password)s
dbname = inventory
dbsslenable = 0
dbsslca = %(inventory_ssl_cacert)s
dbsslcert = %(inventory_ssl_cert)s
dbsslkey = %(inventory_ssl_key)s
# Database connection lifetime
# dbpoolrecycle = 60
# Database connection pool size
# dbpoolsize = 5

# display = cn::Computer Name||displayName::Description
# content = 

Bios = BiosVersion|ChipSerial|BiosVendor|SmbManufacturer|SmbProduct|SmbVersion|SmbSerial|SmbUUID|SmbType|DateFirstSwitchOn
Network = CardType|MIB|Bandwidth|NetworkType|SubnetMask|State
Hardware = Build|Version|ProcessorCount|SwapSpace|User|Date|Workgroup|RegisteredName|RegisteredCompany|OSSerialNumber|Type|OsSerialKey|ProcessorFrequency|Host
Software = ProductPath|Type|Icon|UninstallPath|ExecutableSize|Application
Controller = ExpandedType|HardwareVersion|StandardType
Drive = DriveType|FileCount|FileSystem
Input = StandardDescription|ExpandedDescription|Connector
Memory = ExtendedDescription|SlotCount
Monitor = Stamp|Type|Serial|Manuf
Pci =
Port = Stamp
Printer =
Slot =
Sound = Description
Storage = ExtendedType|VolumeName|Media
VideoCard =

Network = Gateway
Hardware = OperatingSystem|ProcessorType
Memory = Size

# [querymanager]
# list = Entity/Label||Software/ProductName||Hardware/ProcessorType||Hardware/OperatingSystem||Drive/TotalSpace||Inventory/Date
# double = Software/Products::Software/ProductName##Software/ProductVersion
# halfstatic = Registry/Value/display name::Path##DisplayName
# extended = Inventory/Date||Drive/TotalSpace

# [provisioning_inventory]
# Users that will never be provisioned
# exclude = root
# A user can be automatically linked to a list of entities according to his
# profile.
# What is the LDAP field name that defines its profile name ?
# profile_attr = 
# Here are the possible notations for profile to entities mapping:
# A simple list of the entities names
# profile_entity_profile1 = entityA entityB
# The dot char is the root entity
# profile_entity_profile2 = .
# In this example the content of the multi-valued 'pulse2entity' LDAP attribute
# will be used
# profile_entity_profile3 = %pulse2entity%
# Here the provisioning plugin 'network_to_entity' will be used
# profile_entity_profile4 = plugin:network_to_entity