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Commit e1356f85 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Allow to manipulate freely sent dict.

It is required to give maximum extensibility to web site developer of payzen
based shop.
parent e5b9bfac
......@@ -47,35 +47,36 @@ class PayzenService(XMLObject):
return self._getTypeBasedMethod("abortPayment")(**kw)
# proposed methods
def getFormString(self, document, **kw):
def getFormString(self, document, content_dict=None):
"""Returns unterminated form for current document
The responsiblity of the caller is to finish the form."""
content_kw = dict()
content_kw['vads_action_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsActionMode()
content_kw['vads_amount'] = int(document.getTotalPrice() * 100)
if content_dict is None:
content_dict = dict()
content_dict['vads_action_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsActionMode()
content_dict['vads_amount'] = int(document.getTotalPrice() * 100)
integration_tool = self.restrictedTraverse(self.getIntegrationSite())
content_kw['vads_currency'] = integration_tool.getMappingFromCategory(
content_dict['vads_currency'] = integration_tool.getMappingFromCategory(
'resource/currency_module/%s' % document.getPriceCurrencyReference()
content_kw['vads_ctx_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsCtxMode()
content_kw['vads_page_action'] = self.getPayzenVadsPageAction()
content_kw['vads_payment_config'] = document\
content_dict['vads_ctx_mode'] = self.getPayzenVadsCtxMode()
content_dict['vads_page_action'] = self.getPayzenVadsPageAction()
content_dict['vads_payment_config'] = document\
content_kw['vads_site_id'] = self.getServiceUsername()
content_dict['vads_site_id'] = self.getServiceUsername()
content_kw['vads_trans_date'] = document.getStartDate().strftime(
content_dict['vads_trans_date'] = document.getStartDate().strftime(
content_kw['vads_trans_id'] = document.Base_getPayzenTransId()
content_kw['vads_version'] = self.getPayzenVadsVersion()
content_dict['vads_trans_id'] = document.Base_getPayzenTransId()
content_dict['vads_version'] = self.getPayzenVadsVersion()
# all data are completed, now it is time to create signature
sorted_keys = content_kw.keys()
sorted_keys = content_dict.keys()
signature = ''
form = '<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="%s">\n' % self.getLinkUrlString()
for k in sorted_keys:
v = str(content_kw[k])
v = str(content_dict[k])
signature += v + '+'
form += '<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="%s" VALUE="%s">\n' % (k, v)
signature += self.getServicePassword()
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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