• Yorick Peterse's avatar
    Load related MRs/branches asynchronously · 31e28ebc
    Yorick Peterse authored
    Currently this works by loading the HAML partials via XHR. While this is
    not the nicest setup it _is_ the easiest setup using the tools we
    currently have.
    Loading this data asynchronously doesn't make loading the related
    MRs/branches itself faster, it merely ensures that loading the issue
    itself is not slowed down.
    Fixes gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#14949
show.html.haml 3.59 KB
- page_title           "#{@issue.title} (##{@issue.iid})", "Issues"
- page_description     @issue.description
- page_card_attributes @issue.card_attributes

= render "header_title"

      .status-box{ class: "status-box-closed #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, false)}"}
          = icon('check')
      .status-box{ class: "status-box-open #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, true)}"}
          = icon('circle-o')

    %a.btn.btn-default.pull-right.visible-xs-block.gutter-toggle.js-sidebar-toggle{ href: "#" }
      = icon('angle-double-left')

      = confidential_icon(@issue)
        Issue ##{@issue.iid}
            = time_ago_with_tooltip(@issue.created_at)
              = link_to_member(@project, @issue.author, size: 24, mobile_classes: "hidden-xs")
              = link_to_member(@project, @issue.author, size: 24, mobile_classes: "hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg",
                by_username: true, avatar: false)

      - if can?(current_user, :create_issue, @project)
        = link_to new_namespace_project_issue_path(@project.namespace, @project), class: 'btn btn-nr btn-grouped new-issue-link btn-success', title: 'New issue', id: 'new_issue_link' do
          = icon('plus')
          New issue
      - if can?(current_user, :update_issue, @issue)
        = link_to 'Reopen issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :reopen}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-grouped btn-reopen #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, false)}", title: 'Reopen issue'
        = link_to 'Close issue', issue_path(@issue, issue: {state_event: :close}, status_only: true, format: 'json'), data: {no_turbolink: true}, class: "btn btn-nr btn-grouped btn-close #{issue_button_visibility(@issue, true)}", title: 'Close issue'
        = link_to edit_namespace_project_issue_path(@project.namespace, @project, @issue), class: 'btn btn-nr btn-grouped issuable-edit' do
          = icon('pencil-square-o')

        = markdown escape_once(@issue.title), pipeline: :single_line
        - if @issue.description.present?
          .description{class: can?(current_user, :update_issue, @issue) ? 'js-task-list-container' : ''}
              = preserve do
                = markdown(@issue.description, cache_key: [@issue, "description"])
              = @issue.description
      = edited_time_ago_with_tooltip(@issue, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'issue_edited_ago')

      #merge-requests{'data-url' => referenced_merge_requests_namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @issue)}
        // This element is filled in using JavaScript.

      #related-branches{'data-url' => related_branches_namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @issue)}
        // This element is filled in using JavaScript.

      = render 'new_branch'
      = render 'votes/votes_block', votable: @issue

          = render 'projects/issues/discussion'

= render 'shared/issuable/sidebar', issuable: @issue