Commit ac518d74 authored by Jacob Vosmaer's avatar Jacob Vosmaer


parent 9d8d54f0
......@@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ func TestAllowedClone(t *testing.T) {
func startServer(ts *httptest.Server) (cmd *exec.Cmd, err error) {
var conn net.Conn
// Start our server process
cmd = exec.Command("go", "run", "main.go", fmt.Sprintf("-authBackend=%s", ts.URL), fmt.Sprintf("-listenAddr=%s", servAddr), testRepoRoot)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{Setpgid: true}
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
// Wait for the server to start accepting TCP connections
for i := 0; i < servWaitListen/servWaitSleep; i++ {
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", servAddr)
if err == nil {
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