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Commit a26f0b18 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

fix ipython notebook instance with monitor

parent 5e418da4
......@@ -80,11 +80,18 @@ mode = 0744
context =
raw config_cfg ${buildout:directory}/knowledge0.cfg
monitor-base-url = ${monitor-frontend-promise:url}
# XXX Monitor will request frontend and check frontend promise
# If required use ipv6 url bellow
#monitor-base-url = ${monitor-httpd-conf-parameter:url}
cors-domains = ${slap-parameter:monitor-cors-domains}
private-path-list +=
# XXX first allow test to run
# XXX need to convert this for new Monitor
<= dynamic-jinja2-template-base
template = {{ ipython_notebook_set_password_location }}/{{ ipython_notebook_set_password_filename }}
......@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ context =
raw python_executable {{ bin_directory }}/ipython
# key pwd monitor-directory:knowledge0-cgi
key this_file :filename
key httpd_graceful cgi-httpd-graceful-wrapper:rendered
# key httpd_graceful cgi-httpd-graceful-wrapper:rendered
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
......@@ -146,3 +153,6 @@ context =
template = {{ custom_js_location }}/{{ custom_js_filename }}
rendered = ${directory:ipython_dir}/profile_default/static/custom/custom.js
mode = 0744
monitor-cors-domains =
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${:_profile_base_location_}/
rendered = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
mode = 0644
md5sum = 18191556b80360c1e8632ca759e17385
md5sum = 060487563061b596af08815bf146190b
context =
key bin_directory buildout:bin-directory
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
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