Commit ac5892af authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

remove a leftover log and fix notification message

parent eed9c523
......@@ -56,13 +56,12 @@ while (true) {
const url = new URL(config.notification['merge-request-url']);
let [projectId, mergeRequestIid] = url.pathname.substring(1).split('/merge_requests/');
url.pathname = `/api/v4/projects/${encodeURIComponent(projectId)}/merge_requests/${mergeRequestIid}/notes`
let body = config.notification.message
if (body === undefined) {
// merge again capturing the output this time
await $`git reset --hard project/${config.project.branch}`
const gitOutput = (await $`git merge upstream/${config.upstream.branch}`.nothrow()).toString()
body = `Error while merging upstream changes
body = `Error while merging upstream changes.
$ git merge upstream/${config.upstream.branch}
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