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Commit 245e514a authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

task_distribution: better distribute the work depending on the priority of test suites

Before we were looking only create date of test results to give priority of work to do for a test nodes.
So we had cases where some test suites with medium priority had 5 testnodes, and test suites with
high priority having only 3 testnodes.

So clearly distribute the work depending on the maximum quantity of testnode we want.
parent fe3bf27f
......@@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ class ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor(XMLObject):
# sql server
now = DateTime()
from_date = now - 30
max_test_core_per_suite = max([x[1] for x in PRIORITY_MAPPING.values()])
def getTestSuiteSortKey(test_suite):
test_result_list = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Test Result",
......@@ -314,16 +315,27 @@ class ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor(XMLObject):
if len(test_result_list):
test_result = test_result_list[0].getObject()
key = test_result.getModificationDate().timeTime()
modification_date = test_result.getModificationDate().timeTime()
key = (1, modification_date)
# if a test result has all it's tests already ongoing, it is not a
# priority at all to process it, therefore push it at the end of the list
if test_result.getSimulationState() == "started":
result_line_list = test_result.objectValues(portal_type="Test Result Line")
check_priority = True
if len(result_line_list):
if len([x for x in result_line_list if x.getSimulationState() == "draft"]) == 0:
key = now.timeTime()
key = (1000, now.timeTime())
check_priority = False
if check_priority:
# calculate key[0] in such a way that more the test suite has high
# priority and the more test result lack test node, the lower is key[0]
# This allows to affect more test nodes to test suites with higher priority
wanted_test_core_quantity = PRIORITY_MAPPING[test_suite.getIntIndex()][1]
factor = max_test_core_per_suite / wanted_test_core_quantity
missing_quantity = wanted_test_core_quantity/3 - len(test_result.objectValues(portal_type="Test Result Node"))
key = (max_test_core_per_suite - missing_quantity * 3 * factor, modification_date)
key = random.random()
key = (0, random.random())
return key
return test_suite_list
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