Commit 2911a887 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ERP5TypeFunctionalTestCase: report unexpected success as failure

parent 4f43a4b1
......@@ -387,20 +387,20 @@ class FunctionalTestRunner:
if tr_count:
# First td is the main title
test_name = tr[0][0].text
error = False
if len(tr) == 1:
# Test was not executed
detail += 'Test ' + test_name + ' not executed'
detail += '<code>' + test_name + '</code> not executed<br/>'
test_table = tr[1].xpath('.//table')[0]
status = tr.attrib.get('class')
if 'status_failed' in status:
is_expected_failure = etree.tostring(test_table).find("expected failure") != -1
if 'status_failed' in tr.attrib['class']:
# XXX replace status_failed classes by an inline style supported by gadget_html_viewer
for test_tr in test_table.xpath('.//tr[contains(@class, "status_failed")]'):
test_tr.set('style', 'background-color: red;')
details_attribute_dict = {}
if etree.tostring(test_table).find("expected failure") != -1:
if is_expected_failure:
test_name = test_name + ' (expected failure)'
expected_failure_amount += 1
failure_amount += 1
......@@ -409,6 +409,10 @@ class FunctionalTestRunner:
detail_element = E.div()
detail_element.append(E.details(E.summary(test_name), test_table, **details_attribute_dict))
detail += etree.tostring(detail_element)
elif is_expected_failure:
detail += '<code>' + test_name + '</code> had unexpected success<br/>'
failure_amount += 1
tr_count += 1
success_amount = tr_count - 1 - failure_amount - expected_failure_amount
if detail:
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