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Commit 86af6e35 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Cache: compute cache id in a deterministic way

by using str on a dict we don't produce consistent results depending
on hash randomization. This was visible with erp5_core_test:testCacheTool
and PYTHONHASHSEED 12 , the cache id generated in
"('py_script_obj', (60000,), {'result': 'a short value', 'portal_path': ('', 'erp5')})"

and the cache id generated in
with same arguments for delete was
 "('py_script_obj', (60000,), {'portal_path': ('', 'erp5'), 'result': 'a short value'})")
parent 6e7fdd72
......@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ class CachingMethod:
## generate cache id out of arguments passed.
## depending on arguments we may have different
## cache_id for same method_id
return str((method_id, args, kw))
return str((method_id, args, sorted(kw.items())))
def erasable_cache_id_generator(method_id, obj, *args, **kw):
return str((method_id, obj.getCacheCookie(method_id), args, kw))
return str((method_id, obj.getCacheCookie(method_id), args, sorted(kw.items())))
def __init__(self, callable_object, id, cache_duration=180,
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