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Commit c89481d7 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Clean up the code of ZODB Property Sheets Documents by setting default

values in their Property Sheets

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 5f2997fb
......@@ -32,8 +32,6 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.mixin.constraint import ConstraintMixin
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import createExpressionContext
class AttributeEqualityConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
......@@ -66,14 +64,6 @@ class AttributeEqualityConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
# Define by default error messages
_message_id_list = ['message_invalid_attribute_value',
message_invalid_attribute_value = "Attribute ${attribute_name} "\
"value is ${current_value} but should be ${expected_value}"
message_invalid_attribute_value_fixed = "Attribute ${attribute_name} "\
"value is ${current_value} but should be ${expected_value} (Fixed)"
def checkConsistency(self, obj, fixit=False):
......@@ -93,11 +83,8 @@ class AttributeEqualityConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
identical = True
# The expected value of the attribute is a TALES Expression
attribute_expected_value_expression = Expression(
attribute_expected_value = attribute_expected_value_expression(
attribute_expected_value = self._getExpressionValue(
obj, self.getConstraintAttributeValue())
attribute_value = obj.getProperty(attribute_name)
......@@ -53,17 +53,9 @@ class CategoryExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
_message_id_list = [ 'message_category_not_set',
'message_category_not_associated_with_portal_type' ]
message_category_not_set = "Category existence error for base"\
" category ${base_category}, this category is not defined"
message_category_not_associated_with_portal_type = "Category existence"\
" error for base category ${base_category}, this"\
" document has no such category"
def _calculateArity(self, obj, base_category, portal_type):
def _calculateArity(self, obj, base_category, portal_type_list):
return len(obj.getCategoryMembershipList(base_category,
......@@ -71,18 +63,18 @@ class CategoryExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
Check the object's consistency.
error_list = []
if not self.test(obj):
return []
portal_type = self.getConstraintPortalTypeList() or ()
error_list = []
portal_type_list = self.getConstraintPortalTypeList()
# For each attribute name, we check if defined
for base_category in self.getConstraintBaseCategoryList() or ():
for base_category in self.getConstraintBaseCategoryList():
mapping = dict(base_category=base_category)
# Check existence of base category
if base_category not in obj.getBaseCategoryList():
error_message = 'message_category_not_associated_with_portal_type'
elif self._calculateArity(obj, base_category, portal_type) == 0:
elif self._calculateArity(obj, base_category, portal_type_list) == 0:
error_message = 'message_category_not_set'
error_message = None
......@@ -91,7 +83,9 @@ class CategoryExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
if error_message:
self._getMessage(error_message), mapping))
return error_list
class CategoryAcquiredExistenceConstraint(CategoryExistenceConstraint):
......@@ -101,6 +95,6 @@ class CategoryAcquiredExistenceConstraint(CategoryExistenceConstraint):
Sheets (filesystem Property Sheets rely on
Products.ERP5Type.Constraint.CategoryExistence instead).
def _calculateArity(self, obj, base_category, portal_type):
return len(obj.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(base_category,
def _calculateArity(self, obj, base_category, portal_type_list):
return len(obj.getAcquiredCategoryMembershipList(
base_category, portal_type=portal_type_list))
# Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Romain Courteaud <>
# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Romain Courteaud <>
# Arnaud Fontaine <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
......@@ -29,8 +30,6 @@
from Products.ERP5Type.mixin.constraint import ConstraintMixin
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions, PropertySheet
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import createExpressionContext
class ContentExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
......@@ -63,14 +62,6 @@ class ContentExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
# Define by default error messages
_message_id_list = [ 'message_no_subobject',
'message_no_subobject_portal_type' ]
message_no_subobject = "The document does not contain any subobject"
message_no_subobject_portal_type = "The document does not contain any"\
" subobject of portal portal type ${portal_type}"
def checkConsistency(self, obj, fixit=0):
Checks that object contains at least one subobject and, if a list
......@@ -79,8 +70,8 @@ class ContentExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
if not self.test(obj):
return []
portal_type = Expression(self.getConstraintPortalType())(
portal_type = self._getExpressionValue(obj,
# If there is at least one subobject with the given Portal Type,
# then return now
......@@ -59,26 +59,18 @@ class PropertyExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
# Define by default error messages
_message_id_list = ['message_no_such_property',
message_no_such_property = "Property existence error for property "\
"${property_id}, this document has no such property"
message_property_not_set = "Property existence error for property "\
"${property_id}, this property is not defined"
def checkConsistency(self, obj, fixit=0):
Check the object's consistency.
error_list = []
if not self.test(obj):
return []
error_list = []
# For each attribute name, we check if defined
for property_id in self.getConstraintPropertyList() or ():
for property_id in self.getConstraintPropertyList():
# Check existence of property
mapping = dict(property_id=property_id)
if not obj.hasProperty(property_id):
......@@ -91,6 +83,7 @@ class PropertyExistenceConstraint(ConstraintMixin):
error_message_id = None
if error_message_id:
self._getMessage(error_message_id), mapping))
obj, self._getMessage(error_message_id), mapping))
return error_list
......@@ -40,8 +40,13 @@ class AttributeEqualityConstraint:
'description' : 'Valid values of the Attribute' },
{ 'id': 'message_invalid_attribute_value',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when the attribute value is invalid' },
'description' : 'Error message when the attribute value is invalid',
'default': 'Attribute ${attribute_name} value is ${current_value} '\
'but should be ${expected_value}' },
{ 'id': 'message_invalid_attribute_value_fixed',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when the attribute value is invalid but has been fixed' },
'description' : 'Error message when the attribute value is '\
'invalid but has been fixed',
'default': 'Attribute ${attribute_name} value is ${current_value} '\
'but should be ${expected_value} (Fixed)'},
......@@ -33,14 +33,20 @@ class CategoryExistenceConstraint:
_properties = (
{ 'id': 'constraint_base_category',
'type': 'lines',
'description' : 'Categories to check the existence for' },
'description' : 'Categories to check the existence for',
'default': () },
{ 'id': 'constraint_portal_type',
'type': 'lines',
'description' : 'Portal type' },
'description' : 'Portal types',
'default': () },
{ 'id': 'message_category_not_set',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when the category is not defined' },
'description' : 'Error message when the category is not defined',
'default': 'Category existence error for base category '\
'${base_category}, this category is not defined' },
{ 'id': 'message_category_not_associated_with_portal_type',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when there is no such category' },
'description' : 'Error message when there is no such category',
'default': 'Category existence error for base category '\
'${base_category}, this document has no such category' },
......@@ -34,12 +34,16 @@ class ContentExistenceConstraint:
# TALES Expression
{ 'id': 'constraint_portal_type',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Portal type',
'description' : 'Portal types',
'default': 'python: ()' },
{ 'id': 'message_no_subobject',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when there is no subobject' },
'description' : 'Error message when there is no subobject',
'default': 'The document does not contain any subobject' },
{ 'id': 'message_no_subobject_portal_type',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when there is no subobject of the given portal type' },
'description' : 'Error message when there is no subobject of the '\
'given portal type',
'default': 'The document does not contain any subobject of portal '\
'portal type ${portal_type}' },
......@@ -33,11 +33,16 @@ class PropertyExistenceConstraint:
_properties = (
{ 'id': 'constraint_property',
'type': 'lines',
'description' : 'Properties to check the existence for' },
'description' : 'Properties to check the existence for',
'default': () },
{ 'id': 'message_no_such_property',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when there is no such property' },
'description' : 'Error message when there is no such property',
'default': 'Property existence error for property ${property_id}, '\
'this document has no such property' },
{ 'id': 'message_property_not_set',
'type': 'string',
'description' : 'Error message when the property is not set' },
'description' : 'Error message when the property is not set',
'default': 'Property existence error for property ${property_id}, '\
'this property is not defined' },
......@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ from zope.interface import implements
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Predicate import Predicate
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import UpperCase, createExpressionContext
from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
class ConstraintMixin(Predicate):
......@@ -54,8 +55,6 @@ class ConstraintMixin(Predicate):
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
implements( IConstraint, )
_message_id_list = []
def _getMessage(self, message_id):
Get the message corresponding to this message_id.
......@@ -101,3 +100,14 @@ class ConstraintMixin(Predicate):
XXX: remove as soon as the code is stable
return self.asContext()
def _getExpressionValue(self, obj, expression_string):
Get the Python value from an Expression string, but check before
whether it is None as a getter may returns the default value which
could be None
if expression_string is None:
return None
return Expression(expression_string)(createExpressionContext(obj))
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