1. 11 Jul, 2024 40 commits
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      erp5_hal_json_style: set the locked status only at the end · 6a15caa2
      Romain Courteaud authored
      Prevent potential errors to be returned with 201 status
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      erp5_web_renderjs_ui: download OOoDocument when accessed by reference · 786a1c12
      Romain Courteaud authored
      Same behaviour than File/Image
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
      erp5_core: propagate the portal type during jump · 5e57f0aa
      Romain Courteaud authored
      It is needed if a module contains multiple object's portal types.
    • Roque's avatar
      Revert "erp5_web_renderjs_ui: add onclick property on listbox rows links rendering" · 111c2a3d
      Roque authored
      - this reverts commit d8119beb.
      - risk of allowing JS injection
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      Localizer: support python3 and polib 1.2.0 · 4f460203
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      Fix po_import behavior in Python 2.
      Newer versions of polib accept only unicode strings in the
      `pofile` function (because they check if they start by the decoded
      version of the BOM).
      I changed the `data` that is passed to `pofile` to be a unicode
      string in Python 2 too. This seems to work locally in my old
      version of polib, so that at least the old behavior should be
      kept the same.
      Co-authored-by: Carlos Ramos Carreño's avatarCarlos Ramos Carreño <carlos.ramos@nexedi.com>
      Co-authored-by: Jérome Perrin's avatarJérome Perrin <jerome@nexedi.com>
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      oauth_google_login: reimplement with oauthlib/requests · c9f5ef85
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Because the librairies used here were never ported to python3.
      Notable changes:
        - ERP5Site_createGoogleUserToOAuth is dropped
        - internal API changed radically, so customizations made by overriding
          scripts are broken.
        - the core logic is now implemented in a connector class (still in
          portal_oauth for simplicity, but it would be simpler to move it to
      No changes required in the google console, the redirect uri is still
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      xhtml_style: fix form_dialog using a different condition for <legend> · 9948e469
      Jérome Perrin authored
      form_dialog was different from form_render (that is used in form_view
      and form_list) regarding the <legend> element for form groups:
       - the element was unconditionally present, unlike form_render where it
       is only displayed if non empty
       - the text was not translated
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      */form_render: update an outdated comment · d8a658ba
      Jérome Perrin authored
      There is no fallback on group id, if no group title, no legend is
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      ERP5JS: display form groups legends · ac92635a
      Jérome Perrin authored
      This is same as "xhtml_style: display form groups legends", but applied
      to ERP5JS.
      The returned type of `group_list` changed in the API, it use to be a
      list of lists with 2 elements: group id (str) and field list (list),
      it is now a list with 3 elements: group id (str), field list (list)
      and group title (str).
      There's now a new `legend` element in the DOM, only when the group has a
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      xhtml_style: display form groups legends · 80962da1
      Jérome Perrin authored
      For erp5_web it is possible to define form groups following a naming
      rule "group_id (Group Title)" and "Group Title" is displayed in a legend,
      according to this comment in form_render.zpt:
      > It is possible to specify a group id and a group title by naming a group following the
      >   "group id (Group Title)" pattern. In this case the group id will be used as fieldset css
      >   class and as tag id. The group title will be used as a legend for the fieldset. If no group
      >   title is found, we use group id as title.
      For historical reasons, the legend was hidden, this feature was only
      used in erp5_web, but this does not seem bad to enable it in
      erp5_xhtml_style as well.
      At the moment, this is not used much, this script
      for sf in context.getPortalObject().portal_skins.objectValues():
        for f in sf.objectValues():
          if not hasattr(f, 'get_groups'):
          for group in f.get_groups():
            if '(' in group:
              print('/'.join(f.getPhysicalPath()[1:]), group)
      return printed
      when running on a site with many business template installed yields
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_base/EmbeddedFile_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_base/EmbeddedFile_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_base/NotificationMessage_viewEditor left (Page Properties)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_knowledge_pad/Base_viewKnowledgePadFieldLibrary right column (Toolbox)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/StaticWebSite_viewRedirectAssistConfiguration left (Style)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_view left (Page Properties)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_view right (Publication)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_view bottom (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_viewEditor left (Page Properties)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_viewFieldLibrary left (Page Properties)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_viewFieldLibrary right (Publication)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebPage_viewFieldLibrary bottom (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_view left (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_view right (Layout)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_view center (Description)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_view bottom (Subsections)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_viewDefaultThemeConfiguration left (Style)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSection_viewDefaultThemeConfiguration right (Widgets)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_view left (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_view right (Layout)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_view center (Description)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_view bottom (Subsections)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_viewRegistrationDialog left (User Login)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web/WebSite_viewRegistrationDialog right (User Identity)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column transparent (Logo)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column (Navigation)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column (Sections)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column (Contents)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column (Search)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout left column (Debug)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout right column (News)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout right column (Toolbox)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_content_layout right column (Highlight)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column transparent (Logo)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column (Navigation)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column (Sections)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column (Contents)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column (Search)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout left column (Debug)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout right column (News)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout right column (Toolbox)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout right column (Highlight)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_layout right column (Action)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column transparent (Logo)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column (Navigation)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column (Sections)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column (Contents)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column (Search)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout left column (Debug)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout right column (News)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout right column (Toolbox)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_web_minimal_theme/erp5_web_section_layout right column (Highlight)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/Document_viewFieldLibrary left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/Document_viewFieldLibrary right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/ExternalSource_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/ExternalSource_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/OOoDocument_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms/OOoDocument_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_base/File_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_base/File_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_base/Image_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_base/Image_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebIllustration_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebIllustration_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebIllustration_view bottom (Preview)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebPage_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebPage_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_dms_web/WebPage_view bottom (Preview)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_multimedia/Sound_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_multimedia/Sound_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/Review_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/Review_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_view left (Document Reference)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_view right (Publication Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_view bottom (Preview)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_viewFieldLibrary left (Page Properties)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_viewFieldLibrary right (Publication)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_viewFieldLibrary bottom (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_run_my_doc/TestPage_viewTestReport bottom (Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_officejs_slideshow_editor/WebPage_viewForSlideshowEditor bottom (Preview)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialRequest_view left (Personal Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialRequest_view left (Organisation Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialRequest_view right (Login Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialUpdate_view left (Personal Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialUpdate_view left (Organisation Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_credential/CredentialUpdate_view right (Login Information)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km/WebSection_viewKMMinimalThemeConfiguration left (Colors)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km/WebSection_viewKMMinimalThemeConfiguration right (Static Content)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km/WebSection_viewKMMinimalThemeConfiguration left (Navigation)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km/WebSection_viewKMMinimalThemeConfiguration right (Gadgets)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/Base_viewKMFieldLibrary right column (Toolbox)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/WebSection_viewMinimalKMWidgetFieldLibrary bottom gadget (Bottom Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/WebSection_viewMinimalKMWidgetFieldLibrary right column gadget (Right Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/erp5_km_minimal_content_layout bottom gadget (Bottom Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/erp5_km_minimal_content_layout right column gadget (Right Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/erp5_km_minimal_layout bottom gadget (Bottom Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/erp5_km_minimal_layout right column gadget (Right Gadget)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/login_form left registration (Login)
      erp5/portal_skins/erp5_km_theme/login_form right registration (New User Registration)
      and this does not look bad when viewing the forms.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      coverage_report: give up downloading before testnode restarts us · 65befb55
      Jérome Perrin authored
      to make sure test terminates in case of problems with webdav server
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      ui_test: update more cases of users created in the test · 66d21fb7
      Jérome Perrin authored
      When a test needs to login as manager again, the best way is to use
      ${manager_username} and ${manager_password} set in cookies before
      running tests.
      This is continuation of 445e8fa8 (ERP5TypeTestCase: rework default
      manager password generation, 2024-05-27)
    • Titouan Soulard's avatar
    • Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
    • Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
      sqltest: decode strings (to the specified encoding ot 'utf-8') only in Python3 · 268a64a6
      Georgios Dagkakis authored
      as it is done in other places of this file
    • Georgios Dagkakis's avatar
      ActivityTool: decode path and method_id when we try to get transaction's note · f02e7d62
      Georgios Dagkakis authored
      Otherwise, we may get error if we have special characters
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    • Titouan Soulard's avatar
      erp5_xhtml_style: CKEditor – Fix duplicate image on paste · 9e486f06
      Titouan Soulard authored
      When pasting an image in CKEditor, the image was displayed twice.
      This behaviour is due to the new paste-as-base64 feature implemented in CKE,
      which conflict with existing plugins implementing the same feature.
      To solve it, add `clipboard_handleImages` option to the CKE configuration object,
      which disables its own image-pasting feature.
      See https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor4/issues/4874 for the corresponding issue on CKEditor’s repository.
      /cc @jerome @romain @tomo
      /reviewed-by @jerome
      /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!1951
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      fixup! ERP5Workflow: DC Workflows are now ERP5 objects (!1378). · 215be608
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      fix convertToERP5Workflow() for the case where permission_roles is not yet configured.
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      fixup! ERP5Workflow: DC Workflows are now ERP5 objects (!1378). · 8ece59e2
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      if acquire_permission is not yet set in a Workflow State, we should consider it as 'acquire all permissions', like DCWorkflow implementation.
    • Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar
      fixup! ERP5Workflow: DC Workflows are now ERP5 objects (!1378). · 8309c79e
      Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
      If state_permission_role_list_dict is not yet set in a Workflow State, the UI displays permission/role table with all unchecked.
      Once we save it in Permissions tab without checking anything, state_permission_role_list_dict will become like
        {'Access contents information': (),
         'Add portal content': (),
         'Modify portal content': (),
         'View': ()}
      This commit will make the behaviour same for these 'before save' and 'after save' cases as the UI displays exactly same.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      base: fix lxml usage in ImageUtil · a9ed421c
      Jérome Perrin authored
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      hal_json_style: remove useless log in Base_callDialogMethod · 2875e859
      Jérome Perrin authored
      for same reason as the xhtml_style version, there is no problem with
      having more than one listbox, see d2dedca3 (core: remove useless log
      in Base_callDialogMethod, 2020-07-03)
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      ods_style: provide a default input_order · 4f768cbd
      Jérome Perrin authored
      If preferences are not set, this causes a non existant style to be used
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      administration,core: wrong location when reporting pylint errors · e54a99c7
      Jérome Perrin authored
      In Check Source Code report on business template and CodingStyle tests,
      the lines were off by 1 and column off by 2 for python scripts.