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- 28 May, 2024 1 commit
Jérome Perrin authored
- 04 May, 2022 1 commit
Arnaud Fontaine authored
Done through various 2to3 fixers (zope.fixers, modernize, future) and manual changes. This is a single commit so that we have a clearer picture of how code converted with my2to3 should look like. Except straightforward @implementer decorator 2to3 fixer, only product/ folder was considered as the goal was to be able to create an ERP5Site. * Use @implementer decorator introduced in zope.interface 3.6.0 (2010): The implements syntax used under Python 2.X does not work under 3.X, since it depends on how metaclasses are implemented and this has changed. Instead it now supports a decorator syntax (also under Python 2.X). Applied thanks to 2to3 `zope.fixers` package. * Use `six.moves` rather than `future` install_aliases() feature because the latter use unicode_literals and "wraps" module aliases so that unicode() are returned for text rather than str() (Python2 standard library). This notably breaks BusinessTemplate code which uses urllib quote() for filesystem paths... * No more unbound methods in python3 so use six.get_unbound_function(). * dict.(iteritems,iterkeys,itervalues)() => six.\1(dict) thanks to `dict_six` 2to3 fixer from `modernize`: $ python-modernize -w -f dict_six product/ * Manually make sure that dict.{items,values,keys}() returns a real list when it is latter modified rather than a dict_{items,values,keys} (ensure_list()). By default, 2to3 blindly does list(dict.{items,values,keys}()) which is not acceptable from performances point of view. With my2to3, this will be possible to handle such case automatically. * Replace cStringIO.StringIO() by six.moves.cStringIO() (a module alias for cStringIO.StringIO() on py2 and io.StringIO() on py3). * Use six.text_type which maps to unicode() on py2 and str() on py3. This also makes a clearer difference between text and binary strings. * Replace map()/filter() with lambda function by list comprehension (this has the benefit to avoid casting to list for py3 as it returns iterators).
- 18 Nov, 2019 1 commit
Arnaud Fontaine authored
* erp5_dms: ERP5OOo/ConversionServer-related Transforms. * erp5_web: Web Page-related Transform. * erp5_base: Everything else. Also, ZODB Components Transforms modules were 'Document Component', whereas it should be 'Module Component' (introduced recently) considering that they have no Portal Type.
- 02 Jun, 2017 1 commit
Tristan Cavelier authored
___from___ _to_ ________id_________ ____________________module___________________________ ______________comments______________ * bmp image_to_bmp Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_bmp * gif image_to_gif Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_gif * jpg image_to_jpeg Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_jpeg * pcx image_to_pcx Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_pcx * png image_to_png Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_png * ppm image_to_ppm Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_ppm * svg image_to_svg Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_svg * tiff image_to_tiff Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.image_to_tiff + css txt css_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity csv txt csv_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity + doc docx doc_to_docx erp5.component.document.TransformDocToDocx - doc html word_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.word_to_html binary `wvHtml` not in slapos + doc html doc_to_html erp5.component.document.TransformDocToHtml + docx docy docx_to_docy erp5.component.document.TransformDocxToDocy docy is OnlyOffice Text Document + docx odt docx_to_odt erp5.component.document.TransformDocxToOdt + docy docx docy_to_docx erp5.component.document.TransformDocyToDocx html html html_body Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.html_body html html safe_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.safe_html html html text-pre_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.text_pre_to_html html odt html_to_odt Products.ERP5OOo.transforms.html_to_odt html txt html_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.html_to_text - html txt lynx_dump Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.lynx_dump binary `lynx` not in erp5 SR html txt w3m_dump Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.w3m_dump + js txt javascript_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity + odp html odp_to_html erp5.component.document.TransformOdpToHtml + odp pdf odp_to_pdf erp5.component.document.TransformOdpToPdf + odp pptx odp_to_pptx erp5.component.document.TransformOdpToPptx + odp sxi odp_to_sxi erp5.component.document.TransformOdpToSxi + ods html ods_to_html erp5.component.document.TransformOdsToHtml + ods pdf ods_to_pdf erp5.component.document.TransformOdsToPdf + ods xlsx ods_to_xlsx erp5.component.document.TransformOdsToXlsx odt doc odt_to_doc Products.ERP5OOo.transforms.odt_to_doc + odt docx odt_to_docx erp5.component.document.TransformOdtToDocx + odt html odt_to_html erp5.component.document.TransformOdtToHtml odt pdf odt_to_pdf Products.ERP5OOo.transforms.odt_to_pdf odt xml odt_to_xml Products.ERP5OOo.transforms.odt_to_xml pdf html pdf_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.pdf_to_html pdf png pdf_to_png Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.pdf_to_png pdf txt pdf_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.pdf_to_text + php txt php_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity - png txt png_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.png_to_text binary `ocrocmd` not in slapos + ppt pptx ppt_to_pptx erp5.component.document.TransformPptToPptx + pptx odp pptx_to_odp erp5.component.document.TransformPptxToOdp + pptx ppty pptx_to_ppty erp5.component.document.TransformPptxToPpty ppty is OnlyOffice Presentation + ppty pptx ppty_to_pptx erp5.component.document.TransformPptyToPptx py html python_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.python + rss txt rss_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity rst html rest_to_html rst txt rest_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity - rst,js,css txt css_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity - rst,js,css txt javascript_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.identity - rtf html rtf_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.rtf_to_html binary `rtf-converter` not in slapos - rtf xml rtf_to_xml Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.rtf_to_xml binary `rtf2xml` not in slapos st html st_to_html + sxi html sxi_to_html erp5.component.document.TransformSxiToHtml + sxi odp sxi_to_odp erp5.component.document.TransformSxiToOdp - tiff txt tiff_to_text N/A Cannot find the entry definition... + tiff txt tiff_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.tiff_to_text txt html text_to_html Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.text_to_html + xls ods xls_to_ods erp5.component.document.TransformXlsToOds + xls xlsx xls_to_xlsx erp5.component.document.TransformXlsToXlsx + xlsx ods xlsx_to_ods erp5.component.document.TransformXlsxToOds + xlsx xlsy xlsx_to_xlsy erp5.component.document.TransformXlsxToXlsy xlsy is OnlyOffice Spreadsheet + xlsy xlsx xlsy_to_xlsx erp5.component.document.TransformXlsyToXlsx xml txt xml_to_text Products.PortalTransforms.transforms.xml_to_text
- 12 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Nicolas Delaby authored
because convertToBaseFormat was not able to import html. Now OOoDocument is able to successfully convertToBaseFormat html content (or any other), thanks to content_type parameter which is now given to conversion tool. Previous implementation was storing html content into base_data instead of data, but convertToBaseFormat was never called. * The method convert on oood_commandtransform was useless. * Call convertToBaseFormat once temp_document is created git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
- 07 Oct, 2009 1 commit
Leonardo Rochael Almeida authored
On the way to Zope 2.12, Reform imports, specially from Globals (replacing it with Products.ERP5Type.Globals on the products that depend on ERP5Type), convert Interface uses to zope.interfaces, and remove CMFMailIn references with blessings from Jerome. git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
- 17 Aug, 2009 1 commit
Kazuhiko Shiozaki authored
git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
- 26 May, 2008 1 commit
Nicolas Delaby authored
git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de