| **CI_BUILD_NAME** | all | 0.5 | The name of the build as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_BUILD_STAGE** | all | 0.5 | The name of the stage as defined in `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| **CI_BUILD_REF_NAME** | all | all | The branch or tag name for which project is built |
| **CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG** | 8.15 | all | `$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME` lowercased, shortened to 63 bytes, and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. Use in URLs and domain names. |
| **CI_BUILD_REPO** | all | all | The URL to clone the Git repository |
| **CI_BUILD_TRIGGERED** | all | 0.5 | The flag to indicate that build was [triggered] |
| **CI_BUILD_MANUAL** | 8.12 | all | The flag to indicate that build was manually started |