Commit 4d302859 authored by Fatih Acet's avatar Fatih Acet

Off mouse listener from document for diff comment button.

parent 15913529
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ class @FilesCommentButton
debounce = _.debounce @render, DEBOUNCE_TIMEOUT_DURATION
.off 'mouseover', LINE_COLUMN_CLASSES
.off 'mouseleave', LINE_COLUMN_CLASSES
.on 'mouseover', LINE_COLUMN_CLASSES, debounce
.on 'mouseleave', LINE_COLUMN_CLASSES, @destroy
......@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ class @FilesCommentButton
return hoveredElement if hoveredElement.hasClass LINE_CONTENT_CLASS
if @VIEW_TYPE is 'inline'
return $(hoveredElement).closest(LINE_HOLDER_CLASS).find ".#{LINE_CONTENT_CLASS}"
return $(hoveredElement).closest(LINE_HOLDER_CLASS).find ".#{LINE_CONTENT_CLASS}"
return $(hoveredElement).next ".#{LINE_CONTENT_CLASS}"
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