Commit c47183d7 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu

Fixes for review of GitHub Enterprise backport changes

parent eede0323
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Settings.omniauth.session_tickets['cas3'] = 'ticket'
# Fill out omniauth-gitlab settings. It is needed for easy set up GHE or GH by just specifying url.
github_default_url = ""
github_settings = Settings.omniauth['providers'].find { |provider| provider["name"] == "github"}
github_settings = Settings.omniauth['providers'].find { |provider| provider["name"] == "github" }
if github_settings
# For compatibility with old config files (before 7.8)
......@@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ if github_settings
github_settings["args"]["client_options"] = OmniAuth::Strategies::GitHub.default_options[:client_options]
github_settings["args"]["client_options"] = {
"site" => File.join(github_settings["url"], "api/v3"),
"site" => File.join(github_settings["url"], "api/v3"),
"authorize_url" => File.join(github_settings["url"], "login/oauth/authorize"),
"token_url" => File.join(github_settings["url"], "login/oauth/access_token")
"token_url" => File.join(github_settings["url"], "login/oauth/access_token")
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ GitHub will generate an application ID and secret key for you to use.
args: { scope: 'user:email' } }
__Replace `` with your GitHub URL__
__Replace `` with your GitHub URL.__
1. Change 'YOUR_APP_ID' to the client ID from the GitHub application page from step 7.
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