Commit 745ee2b2 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

storage: skip useless work when unlocking transactions

parent 67df59ad
......@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid):
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid, trans, obj):
"""Finalize a transaction by moving data to a finished area."""
......@@ -705,18 +705,21 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
% (u64(tid), u64(ttid)))
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid):
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid, trans, obj):
q = self.query
u64 = util.u64
tid = u64(tid)
if trans:
q("INSERT INTO trans SELECT * FROM ttrans WHERE tid=%d" % tid)
q("DELETE FROM ttrans WHERE tid=%d" % tid)
if not obj:
sql = " FROM tobj WHERE tid=%d" % u64(ttid)
data_id_list = [x for x, in q("SELECT data_id%s AND data_id IS NOT NULL"
% sql)]
q("INSERT INTO obj SELECT `partition`, oid, %d, data_id, value_tid %s"
% (tid, sql))
q("DELETE" + sql)
q("INSERT INTO trans SELECT * FROM ttrans WHERE tid=%d" % tid)
q("DELETE FROM ttrans WHERE tid=%d" % tid)
def abortTransaction(self, ttid):
......@@ -470,10 +470,15 @@ class SQLiteDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
(u64(tid), u64(ttid)))
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid):
def unlockTransaction(self, tid, ttid, trans, obj):
q = self.query
u64 = util.u64
tid = u64(tid)
if trans:
q("INSERT INTO trans SELECT * FROM ttrans WHERE tid=?", (tid,))
q("DELETE FROM ttrans WHERE tid=?", (tid,))
if not obj:
ttid = u64(ttid)
sql = " FROM tobj WHERE tid=?"
data_id_list = [x for x, in q("SELECT data_id%s AND data_id IS NOT NULL"
......@@ -481,8 +486,6 @@ class SQLiteDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
q("INSERT INTO obj SELECT partition, oid, ?, data_id, value_tid" + sql,
(tid, ttid))
q("DELETE" + sql, (ttid,))
q("INSERT INTO trans SELECT * FROM ttrans WHERE tid=?", (tid,))
q("DELETE FROM ttrans WHERE tid=?", (tid,))
def abortTransaction(self, ttid):
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class InitializationHandler(BaseMasterHandler):
def validateTransaction(self, conn, ttid, tid):
dm =
dm.lockTransaction(tid, ttid)
dm.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid)
dm.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid, True, True)
def startOperation(self, conn, backup):
......@@ -314,12 +314,15 @@ class TransactionManager(EventQueue):
Unlock transaction
tid = self._transaction_dict[ttid].tid
transaction = self._transaction_dict[ttid]
except KeyError:
raise ProtocolError("unknown ttid %s" % dump(ttid))
tid = transaction.tid
logging.debug('Unlock TXN %s (ttid=%s)', dump(tid), dump(ttid))
dm =
dm.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid)
dm.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid,
transaction.voted == 2,
self._app.em.setTimeout(time() + 1, dm.deferCommit())
self.abort(ttid, even_if_locked=True)
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class StorageDBTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.db.lockTransaction(tid, ttid)
if commit:
self.db.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid)
self.db.unlockTransaction(tid, ttid, True, objs)
elif commit is not None:
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