Commit cccf0019 authored by jim's avatar jim

Fixed a broken test.

git-svn-id: 62d5b8a3-27da-0310-9561-8e5933582275
parent 900a7879
......@@ -1058,6 +1058,8 @@ Let's create a recipe egg
buildout: Running setup script recipe/
>>> rmdir('recipe', 'build')
And update our buildout to use it.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
......@@ -1120,7 +1122,7 @@ But we will if we use neither of these:
zc.buildout.easy_install: Got recipe 2
buildout: Uninstalling foo
buildout: Installing foo
recipe v1
recipe v2
We can also select a particular recipe version:
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