Commit 33b957f1 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼

Update Release Candidate

parents f64a2e53 0ff62733
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ parts =
extends =
......@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ shared = true
url =
md5sum = ced776cb19428ab8488774e1415535ab
location = @@LOCATION@@
configure-command = ./ --prefix=${:location} --without-icu
configure-command = ./ --prefix=${:location} --without-icu $${PYTHON:+--with-python=$PYTHON}
make-binary =
make-options =
make-targets = for a in $MAKEFLAGS; do case $a in -j*) j=$a; break;; esac; done;
......@@ -23,4 +24,8 @@ environment =
\ No newline at end of file
patch-options = -p1
patches =
patch-binary = ${patch:location}/bin/patch
Description: python3.3 has an extra multiarch include location
Author: Dmitrijs Ledkovs <>
Last-Update: 2012-10-26
Forwarded: no
--- boost1.65.1-1.65.1+dfsg.orig/tools/build/src/tools/python.jam
+++ boost1.65.1-1.65.1+dfsg/tools/build/src/tools/python.jam
@@ -544,7 +544,9 @@
- includes ?= $(prefix)/include/python$(version) ;
+ python_includes = [ shell-cmd "printf `python$(version) -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc());'`" ] ;
+ python_platincludes = [ shell-cmd "printf `python$(version) -c 'import distutils.sysconfig; print(distutils.sysconfig.get_python_inc(plat_specific=1));'`" ] ;
+ includes ?= $(python_includes) $(python_platincludes) ;
local lib = $(exec-prefix)/lib ;
libraries ?= $(lib)/python$(version)/config $(lib) ;
extends =
python = python
......@@ -25,6 +26,12 @@ update =
depends = ${gcc:recipe}
depends =
# requirements that are common to gcc & python
# python requirements for which the compiler does not matter
recipe =
# Latest version provided by SlapOS.
part = gcc-8.2
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ parts =
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true
url =${:version}/p7zip_${:version}_src_all.tar.bz2
version = 9.38.1
md5sum = 6cba8402ccab2370d3b70c5e28b3d651
......@@ -11,4 +12,4 @@ configure-command = rm -r DOC
make-binary =
make-options =
make-targets = make -j1 7z install
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ extends =
......@@ -13,14 +13,9 @@ extends =
# XXX Change all reference to kvm section to qemu section, then
# use qemu as main name section.
<= kvm
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
# qemu-kvm and qemu are now the same since 1.3.
shared = true
url =
md5sum = 53879f792ef2675c6c5e6cbf5cc1ac6c
configure-options =
......@@ -47,14 +42,10 @@ environment =
LDFLAGS=-L${pixman:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${pixman:location}/lib
recipe =
ignore-existing = true
recipe =
filename = ${:_buildout_section_name_}
url =${:release}/${:arch}/iso-cd/debian-${:version}-${:arch}-netinst.iso
release = archive/${:version}
download-only = true
mode = 0644
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
<= debian-netinst-base
......@@ -80,11 +71,11 @@ md5sum = 50e7919f4276787f3a4631544edceae3
# XXX: This is not the latest version because
# Debian does not provide a stable URL for it.
<= debian-amd64-netinst-base
version = 10.2.0
md5sum = 36de671429939e90f2a31ce3fbed0aaf
version = 10.3.0
md5sum = 5956434be4b81e6376151b64ef9b1596
<= debian-amd64-netinst-base
release = daily-builds/daily/20200210-1
version = testing
md5sum = 437bdcbed2b279bea58b0a1ac3bd7ae2
release = bullseye_di_alpha2
version = bullseye-DI-alpha2
md5sum = 3d7f45ac47e36212f5f7924b41c47f61
......@@ -24,21 +24,14 @@ wait-ssh = 100
recipe =
environment = vm-install-environment
dists = debian-stable
size = 1Gi
size = 2Gi
preseed.partman/early_command =
set -e /usr/lib/apt-setup/generators/99 AllowUnauthenticated; if [ "`debconf-get mirror/http/hostname`" = ]; then echo "echo 'APT::Get::$2 \"true\";' >/target/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01$2" >$1$2; chmod +x $1$2; fi
late-command =
# rdnssd causes too much trouble with recent QEMU, because the latter acts as
# a DNS proxy on both IPv4 and IPv6 without translating queries to what the
# host supports.
dpkg -P rdnssd
[ $DIST != debian-squeeze ] || {
# Squeeze kernel (2.6.32) is too old for 9p mount points.
set squeeze-backports /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list `
aptitude -F %p search '?source-package("^linux-latest-2.6$")~i'`
echo 'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until "false";' >/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00AcceptExpired
echo deb $1 main >$2
apt-get update --no-list-cleanup -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/dev/null
apt-get install -y -t $1 $3
mount |grep -q 'on / .*\bdiscard\b' || ! type fstrim || {
apt-get clean
......@@ -47,9 +40,7 @@ late-command =
debconf.debconf =
debconf/frontend noninteractive
debconf/priority critical
debian-squeeze/preseed.mirror/country = manual
debian-squeeze/preseed.mirror/http/hostname =
debian-squeeze/preseed.mirror/http/directory = /debian
debian-wheezy/preseed.apt-setup/services-select = volatile
debian-wheezy/preseed.mirror/country = manual
debian-wheezy/preseed.mirror/http/hostname =
debian-wheezy/preseed.mirror/http/directory = /debian
......@@ -70,10 +61,6 @@ x86_64.initrd = install.amd/initrd.gz
<= debian-stable
x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-testing-netinst.iso
<= debian-stable
x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-squeeze-netinst.iso
<= debian-stable
x86_64.iso = debian-amd64-wheezy-netinst.iso
......@@ -592,3 +592,32 @@ Then specify in the master instance parameters:
* set ``port`` to ``443``
* set ``plain_http_port`` to ``80``
Technical notes
Instantiated cluster structure
Instantiating caddy-frontend results with a cluster in various partitions:
* master (the controlling one)
* kedifa (contains kedifa server)
* caddy-frontend-N which contains the running processes to serve sites - this partition can be replicated by ``-frontend-quantity`` parameter
So it means sites are served in `caddy-frontend-N` partition, and this partition is structured as:
* Caddy serving the browser
* (optional) Apache Traffic Server for caching
* Caddy connected to the backend
Kedifa implementation
`Kedifa <>`_ server runs on kedifa partition.
Each `caddy-frontend-N` partition downloads certificates from the kedifa server.
Caucase (exposed by ``kedifa-caucase-url`` in master partition parameters) is used to handle certificates for authentication to kedifa server.
If ``automatic-internal-kedifa-caucase-csr`` is enabled (by default it is) there are scripts running on master partition to simulate human to sign certificates for each caddy-frontend-N node.
......@@ -61,15 +61,10 @@ fonts =
# XXX These fonts have always been missing in cloudooo, but we want
# keep compatibility a little bit more.
# ${dejavu-fonts:location}
# ${libreoffice-bin:location}/share/fonts/
# XXX fonts-include also have always been missing, which causes wrong
# font selections in cloudooo, such as using a serif fonts for Arial
fontconfig-includes =
# ${fontconfig:location}/etc/fonts/conf.d
freetype = ${freetype:location}
glib = ${glib:location}
......@@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ class HTMLtoPDFConversionFontTestMixin:
def test(self):
actual_font_mapping_mapping = {}
for font, expected_substitution in sorted(
for font in self.expected_font_mapping:
src_html = '''
p {{ font-family: "{font}"; font-size: 20pt; }}
......@@ -133,44 +132,44 @@ class TestWkhtmlToPDF(HTMLtoPDFConversionFontTestMixin, CloudOooTestCase):
__partition_reference__ = 'wk'
pdf_producer = 'Qt 4.8.7'
expected_font_mapping = {
'Arial Black': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Arial': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Avant Garde': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Bookman': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Carlito': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Comic Sans MS': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Courier New': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Sans Condensed': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Sans ExtraLight': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Sans Mono': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Sans': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Serif Condensed': 'Roboto-Medium',
'DejaVu Serif': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Garamond': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Gentium Basic': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Gentium Book Basic': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Georgia': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Helvetica': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Impact': 'Roboto-Medium',
'IPAex Gothic': 'Roboto-Medium',
'IPAex Mincho': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Arial': 'LiberationSans',
'Arial Black': 'LiberationSans',
'Avant Garde': 'LiberationSans',
'Bookman': 'LiberationSans',
'Carlito': 'Carlito',
'Comic Sans MS': 'LiberationSans',
'Courier New': 'LiberationSans',
'DejaVu Sans': 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVu Sans Condensed': 'LiberationSans',
'DejaVu Sans ExtraLight': 'LiberationSans',
'DejaVu Sans Mono': 'DejaVuSansMono',
'DejaVu Serif': 'DejaVuSerif',
'DejaVu Serif Condensed': 'LiberationSans',
'Garamond': 'LiberationSans',
'Gentium Basic': 'GentiumBasic',
'Gentium Book Basic': 'GentiumBookBasic',
'Georgia': 'LiberationSans',
'Helvetica': 'LiberationSans',
'IPAex Gothic': 'LiberationSans',
'IPAex Mincho': 'LiberationSans',
'Impact': 'LiberationSans',
'Liberation Mono': 'LiberationMono',
'Liberation Sans Narrow': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Liberation Sans': 'LiberationSans',
'Liberation Sans Narrow': 'LiberationSansNarrow',
'Liberation Serif': 'LiberationSerif',
'Linux LibertineG': 'Roboto-Medium',
'OpenSymbol': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Palatino': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Black': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Condensed Light': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Condensed Regular': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Light': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Medium': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Thin': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Times New Roman': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Trebuchet MS': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Verdana': 'Roboto-Medium',
'ZZZdefault fonts when no match': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Linux LibertineG': 'LiberationSans',
'OpenSymbol': set(['DejaVuSans', 'OpenSymbol']),
'Palatino': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Black': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Condensed Light': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Condensed Regular': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Light': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Medium': 'LiberationSans',
'Roboto Thin': 'LiberationSans',
'Times New Roman': 'LiberationSans',
'Trebuchet MS': 'LiberationSans',
'Verdana': 'LiberationSans',
'ZZZdefault fonts when no match': 'LiberationSans'
def _convert_html_to_pdf(self, src_html):
......@@ -191,44 +190,44 @@ class TestLibreoffice(HTMLtoPDFConversionFontTestMixin, CloudOooTestCase):
__partition_reference__ = 'lo'
pdf_producer = 'LibreOffice 5.2'
expected_font_mapping = {
'Arial Black': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Arial': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Avant Garde': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Bookman': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Arial': 'LiberationSans',
'Arial Black': 'DejaVuSans',
'Avant Garde': 'DejaVuSans',
'Bookman': 'DejaVuSans',
'Carlito': 'Carlito',
'Comic Sans MS': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Courier New': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Comic Sans MS': 'DejaVuSans',
'Courier New': 'LiberationMono',
'DejaVu Sans': 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVu Sans Condensed': 'DejaVuSansCondensed',
'DejaVu Sans ExtraLight': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'DejaVu Sans ExtraLight': 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVu Sans Mono': 'DejaVuSansMono',
'DejaVu Sans': 'DejaVuSans',
'DejaVu Serif Condensed': 'DejaVuSerifCondensed',
'DejaVu Serif': 'DejaVuSerif',
'Garamond': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'DejaVu Serif Condensed': 'DejaVuSerifCondensed',
'Garamond': 'DejaVuSerif',
'Gentium Basic': 'GentiumBasic',
'Gentium Book Basic': 'GentiumBookBasic',
'Georgia': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Helvetica': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Impact': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Georgia': 'DejaVuSerif',
'Helvetica': 'LiberationSans',
'IPAex Gothic': 'IPAexGothic',
'IPAex Mincho': 'IPAexMincho',
'Impact': 'DejaVuSans',
'Liberation Mono': 'LiberationMono',
'Liberation Sans Narrow': 'LiberationSansNarrow',
'Liberation Sans': 'LiberationSans',
'Liberation Sans Narrow': 'LiberationSansNarrow',
'Liberation Serif': 'LiberationSerif',
'Linux LibertineG': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'OpenSymbol': 'OpenSymbol',
'Palatino': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Palatino': 'DejaVuSerif',
'Roboto Black': 'Roboto-Black',
'Roboto Condensed Light': 'RobotoCondensed-Light',
'Roboto Condensed Regular': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Roboto Condensed Regular': 'DejaVuSans',
'Roboto Light': 'Roboto-Light',
'Roboto Medium': 'Roboto-Medium',
'Roboto Thin': 'Roboto-Thin',
'Times New Roman': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Trebuchet MS': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Verdana': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'ZZZdefault fonts when no match': 'LinuxLibertineG',
'Times New Roman': 'LiberationSerif',
'Trebuchet MS': 'DejaVuSans',
'Verdana': 'DejaVuSans',
'ZZZdefault fonts when no match': 'DejaVuSans'
def _convert_html_to_pdf(self, src_html):
......@@ -30,11 +30,21 @@ import os
from slapos.testing.testcase import makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass
setUpModule, SlapOSInstanceTestCase = makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass(
_setUpModule, SlapOSInstanceTestCase = makeModuleSetUpAndTestCaseClass(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'software.cfg')))
setup_module_executed = False
def setUpModule():
# slapos.testing.testcase's only need to be executed once
global setup_module_executed
if not setup_module_executed:
setup_module_executed = True
class ERP5InstanceTestCase(SlapOSInstanceTestCase):
"""ERP5 base test case
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
filename =
md5sum = 092405e2fba77c22d4dc8cefcab677d8
md5sum = 1edb1e8d7cab32c29504a23fd3046838
filename = instance-kvm.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = 4e2aecca03c64d0bcff669652b581dba
md5sum = f015c14f34dc9f5290188db11f11b4df
filename =
......@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ recipe = plone.recipe.command
filename =
path = ${directory:public}/${:filename}
ipv4-add-address = ip -4 address add {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-addr') }}/{{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-netmask') }} dev \$IFACE noprefixroute
ipv4-add-gateway-route = ip -4 address add {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }} dev \$IFACE
ipv4-add-gateway-route = ip route add {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }} dev \$IFACE
{% if nat_restrict -%}
ipv4-add-default-route = ip route add default via {{ slap_configuration.get('tap-ipv4-gateway') }} dev \$IFACE
{% elif global_ipv4_prefix -%}
......@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ extra-context =
raw netcat_bin ${netcat:location}/bin/netcat
raw python_executable ${buildout:executable}
raw python_eggs_executable ${buildout:bin-directory}/${python-with-eggs:interpreter}
raw qemu_executable_location ${kvm:location}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
raw qemu_img_executable_location ${kvm:location}/bin/qemu-img
raw qemu_executable_location ${qemu:location}/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
raw qemu_img_executable_location ${qemu:location}/bin/qemu-img
raw qemu_start_promise_tpl ${template-qemu-ready:location}/${template-qemu-ready:filename}
raw sixtunnel_executable_location ${6tunnel:location}/bin/6tunnel
raw template_httpd_cfg ${template-httpd:rendered}
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ extensions =
context =
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
raw qemu_location ${kvm:location}
key qemu_location qemu:location
raw template_kvm_import ${template-kvm-import-script:location}/${template-kvm-import-script:filename}
key pbsready_import_template template-pbsready-import:rendered
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ context =
key slapparameter_dict slap-configuration:configuration
key eggs_directory buildout:eggs-directory
key develop_eggs_directory buildout:develop-eggs-directory
raw qemu_nbd_executable_location ${kvm:location}/bin/qemu-nbd
raw qemu_nbd_executable_location ${qemu:location}/bin/qemu-nbd
raw dash_executable_location ${dash:location}/bin/dash
raw onetimeupload_executable_location ${buildout:bin-directory}/onetimeupload
raw template_monitor ${monitor2-template:rendered}
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
filename =
md5sum = 99dfaa031e58518326b731e9218aa425
md5sum = 42d21dc3f5d3e57e142eea8e016195f0
filename = yarn.lock
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ recipe = slapos.cookbook:userinfo
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = $${directory:services}/$${:_buildout_section_name_}
command-line =
env LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 TMP=$${directory:tmp} THEIA_SHELL=$${theia-shell:wrapper-path} ${theia-wrapper:rendered} --hostname=$${:hostname} --port=$${:port} $${directory:project}
env LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 TMP=$${directory:tmp} THEIA_WEBVIEW_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT='{{hostname}}' THEIA_SHELL=$${theia-shell:wrapper-path} ${theia-wrapper:rendered} --hostname=$${:hostname} --port=$${:port} $${directory:project}
ip = $${instance-parameter:ipv4-random}
hostname = $${:ip}
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ template =
"vscode-java-dependency-viewer": "",
"vscode-java-redhat": "",
"vscode-java-test": "",
"vscode-python": "",
"vscode-python": "",
"vscode-ruby": "",
"vscode-zc-buildout": ""
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ md5sum = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
filename =
md5sum = 939522bb26bf2109d7db818585a46f7a
md5sum = 82dc695e212be124d60ceb1143e56b0d
filename =
......@@ -204,6 +204,7 @@ config-smtp-url = ${request-smtp:connection-url}
config-timezone = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('timezone', 'UTC')) }}
config-cloudooo-retry-count = {{ slapparameter_dict.get('cloudooo-retry-count', 2) }}
config-wendelin-core-zblk-fmt = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('wendelin-core-zblk-fmt', '')) }}
config-wsgi = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('wsgi', True)) }}
config-zodb-dict = {{ dumps(zodb_dict) }}
config-test-runner-enabled = {{ dumps(test_runner_enabled) }}
config-test-runner-node-count = {{ dumps(test_runner_node_count) }}
......@@ -254,7 +255,6 @@ config-longrequest-logger-timeout = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('longreques
config-large-file-threshold = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('large-file-threshold', "10MB")) }}
config-port-base = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('port-base', 2200)) }}
config-webdav = {{ dumps(zope_parameter_dict.get('webdav', False)) }}
config-wsgi = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('wsgi', True)) }}
{% if test_runner_enabled -%}
config-test-runner-apache-url-list = ${publish-early:{{ zope_family }}-test-runner-url-list}
{% endif -%}
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ eggs =
setuptools = 44.0.0
# Use SlapOS patched zc.buildout
zc.buildout = 2.7.1+slapos005
zc.buildout = 2.7.1+slapos007
# Use SlapOS patched zc.recipe.egg (zc.recipe.egg 2.x is for Buildout 2)
zc.recipe.egg = 2.0.3+slapos003
# Use own version of to be able to open .xz and .lz archives
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