Commit 4ded1e20 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou
Browse files

repman: do not autorestart services, it's too fast for repman

The mariadb/proxysql service automatically start when repman shut it down then
repman cannot check if service was correcty stopped because it's already up.
Stop a service will not work too.
parent ff51927c
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ md5sum = 55c7fd4dd6a39b31878889fbfb00f995
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = 0240cb0f25cda84c37e1f93cc8cf8900
md5sum = 6fc82c4b645bceb97ba7b6f5b56d161b
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ md5sum = 0eeb24c6aa0760f0d33c4cc2828ddf30
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = e17d3aa282e6b0e22585b86a07d23ffd
md5sum = bd5b0e72e8b5ddcd691e7f90a2947e50
_update_hash_filename_ = templates/
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ wait-for-files =
{{ supervisord_lib.supervisord("mariadb-ctl", buildout_bin_directory, supervisord_conf, use_service_hash=False) }}
{% do part_list.append("supervisord-mariadb-ctl") -%}
{% set maradb_program_dict = {"name": "mariadb", "command": "${mysqld-launcher:wrapper-path}",
"stopwaitsecs": 86400, "startretries": 10, "autorestart": True, "environment": [],
"stopwaitsecs": 86400, "startretries": 10, "autorestart": False, "environment": [],
"stdout_logfile": "${directory:log}/mariadb_stdout.log",
"stderr_logfile": "${directory:log}/mariadb_stdout.log" } %}
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ config-port = {{ '${' ~ name ~ '-cluster-parameter:proxy-port}' }}
{% set service_name = "proxysql-" ~ name -%}
{% set proxysql_dict = {"name": service_name, "command": "${" ~ service_name ~ "-wrapper:wrapper-path}",
"stopwaitsecs": 60, "startretries": 10, "autorestart": True, "environment": [],
"stopwaitsecs": 60, "startretries": 10, "autorestart": False, "environment": [],
"stdout_logfile": "${repman:proxies-log}/" ~ service_name ~ ".log",
"stderr_logfile": "${repman:proxies-log}/" ~ service_name ~ ".log" } %}
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