Commit f4b3b80c authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Work around pprint breakage in Python 3.4.0.

'width=1' causes excess wrapping.
parent 4d0c846a
......@@ -141,17 +141,16 @@ def connectionDebugInfo():
>>> c3 =
>>> info = db.connectionDebugInfo()
>>> import pprint
>>> pprint.pprint(sorted(info, key=lambda i: str(i['opened'])), width=1)
[{'before': None,
'info': 'test info (2)',
'opened': '2008-12-04T20:40:44Z (1.40s)'},
{'before': '\x03zY\xd8\xc0m9\xdd',
'info': ' (0)',
'opened': '2008-12-04T20:40:45Z (0.30s)'},
{'before': None,
'info': ' (0)',
'opened': None}]
>>> info = sorted(info, key=lambda i: str(i['opened']))
>>> before = [x['before'] for x in info]
>>> opened = [x['opened'] for x in info]
>>> infos = [x['info'] for x in info]
>>> before
[None, '\x03zY\xd8\xc0m9\xdd', None]
>>> opened
['2008-12-04T20:40:44Z (1.40s)', '2008-12-04T20:40:45Z (0.30s)', None]
>>> infos
['test info (2)', ' (0)', ' (0)']
>>> time.time = real_time
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