Commit db99e5a0 authored by Nicolas Dumazet's avatar Nicolas Dumazet
Browse files

use dict instead of set to avoid a NameError, thanks Jerome :)

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 49c129ed
......@@ -82,12 +82,15 @@ for bt_id in bt_id_list:\n
bt_object_dict[bt.getId()] = [bt.getTitle(), getModifiedObjectList(bt)]\n
object_list = []\n
no_backup_set = set([\'Action\', \'SiteProperty\', \'Module\', \'Document\', \n
\'PropertySheet\', \'Extension\', \'Test\', \'Product\', \n
\'Role\', \'CatalogResultKey\', \'CatalogRelatedKey\', \n
\'CatalogResultTable\', \'MessageTranslation\', \'LocalRoles\', \n
\'PortalTypeAllowedContentType\', \'PortalTypeHiddenContentType\', \n
\'PortalTypePropertySheet\', \'PortalTypeBaseCategory\'])\n
no_backup_list = [\'Action\', \'SiteProperty\', \'Module\', \'Document\', \n
\'PropertySheet\', \'Extension\', \'Test\', \'Product\', \n
\'Role\', \'CatalogResultKey\', \'CatalogRelatedKey\', \n
\'CatalogResultTable\', \'MessageTranslation\', \'LocalRoles\', \n
\'PortalTypeAllowedContentType\', \'PortalTypeHiddenContentType\', \n
\'PortalTypePropertySheet\', \'PortalTypeBaseCategory\']\n
no_backup_dict = {}\n
for i in no_backup_list:\n
no_backup_dict[i] = True\n
install_title = Base_translateString(\'Install\')\n
upgrade_title = Base_translateString(\'Upgrade\')\n
......@@ -105,12 +108,12 @@ for bt in bt_id_list:\n
line = newTempBase(context, \'tmp_install_%s\' % i)\n
if object_state == \'Modified\':\n
if object_class in no_backup_set:\n
if object_class in no_backup_dict:\n
choice_item_list = [[upgrade_title, \'install\']]\n
choice_item_list = [[backup_title, \'backup\']]\n
elif object_state == \'Removed\':\n
if object_class in no_backup_set:\n
if object_class in no_backup_dict:\n
choice_item_list = [[remove_title, \'remove\']]\n
choice_item_list = [[save_and_remove_title, \'save_and_remove\']]\n
......@@ -185,8 +188,10 @@ return object_list\n
......@@ -196,7 +201,6 @@ return object_list\n
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