Enable Zope 2.12 instances with this buildout

git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@34292 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 4bd2191d
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ERP5 buildout for Zope 2.12
ERP5 Buildout provides a way to build and manage ERP5 software components
with all needed dependencies.
ERP5 Buildout also provides a way to manage separate installation instances of
ERP5 to share non-data components of an ERP5 software installation from a
single location, allowing for easy component upgrade.
Software part shall be system independent. In perfect world it shall depend
only on:
* C compiler
* standard C and C++ library
* operating system kernel
As the world is not yet perfect, some additional build time requirements are
needed. See below for a way to acquire the list of system dependencies through
Checkout: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk/buildout/
For example:
svn co https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk/buildout/ ~/erp5.buildout
Run the Zope 2.12 buildout:
$ cd ~/erp5.buildout
$ python2.6 bootstrap/bootstrap.py
$ bin/buildout -c buildout-2.12.cfg
This will download and install the software components needed to run ERP5 on
Zope 2.12 including Zope 2.12 plus dependencies (including
Acquisition with _aq_dynamic patch) and CMF 2.2 plus dependencies.
System dependency check
Each software component in this buildout might require some system
dependencies, including development libraries and executables.
To query what is required for all components, please run:
$ bin/buildout install show-requirements
Minimal requirements
At the very least, running buildout requires:
* Python 2.4 or later including development files (e.g. python2.4-devel or
python2.4-dev package from your system package manager. A file like
/usr/lib*/python*/config/Makefile should be installed in the system.
XXX Since we compile our own python, are development files still necessary?)
* C development toolchain (Make, gcc, gpp, etc.)
* subversion (svn) client, to check-out this buildout.
Post-build check
There isn't yet a post-build check for running ERP5 on Zope 2.12.
When it's ready, you can check if all components are working correctly by
$ make assert
Distribution helpers
In the 'helpers' directory there are shell scripts to prepare different
GNU/Linux distributions to run this buildout.
For instance, to prepare Mandriva 2010.0 please type the following with root
Please refer to the 'helpers' directory for other distributions.
Note: Instance generation is still a work in progress.
After the software components are built, we can generate ERP5 instance
buildouts from that software.
Assuming the ERP5 software buildout is available in ~/erp5.buildout the
following sequence of steps should result in a working "instance" buildout:
$ mkdir ~/instances # 0
$ cd ~/instances # 1
$ ln -s ~/erp5.buildout/*profiles* # 2
$ cat > buildout.cfg # 3
extends-cache = instance-profiles/extends-cache
extends =
parts =
$ ~/erp5.buildout/bin/bootstrap2.6 # 4
$ bin/buildout -ov # 5
Notice how we managed to run buildout in "offline-mode" (-o). The software-home
configuration (along with the 'extends-cache' in the 'instance-profiles'
symlink) provides all the information and components that would otherwise have
to be downloaded.
The steps above generate instance configurations for mysql and the
OpenOffice.org document conversion daemon. We need mysql, in particular,
to be running before configuring an actual ERP5 instance, so we'll start
$ var/bin/supervisord # 6
Now edit buildout.cfg and add "runUnitTest" (w/o quotes) to 'buildout:parts'.
The "development-instance" part will be pulled in automatically as a
$ $EDITOR buildout.cfg # 7
Then run buildout again to finish the configuration
$ bin/buildout -ov # 8
Now a fully configured development instance will be available in the directory
"var/development-instance", so you can do:
$ var/development-site/bin/zopectl fg
And see an ERP5 instance running on "http://localhost:18080/". The port '18080'
refers to the 'development-instance:http-address' setting in
'instance-profiles/development-2.12.cfg'. The file
'instance-profiles/zope-2.12.cfg' provides the "Manager" credentials you should
use (usually zope:zope), in the 'zope-instance-template:user' variable.
You should also be able to run ERP5 unit tests like so:
$ bin/runUnitTest --erp5_sql_connection_string="test@ test" testBusinessTemplate
The '' coordinate above refers to the address of the configured
mysql instance, according to the settings 'configuration:mysql_host' and
'configuration:mysql_port' in 'instance-profiles/mysql.cfg'.
* Adjust the 'runUnitTest' recipe to push the mysql server coordinates into
the 'bin/runUnitTest' script.
* Refactor the .cfg files to reduce duplication and so that only the
'instance-profiles' directory needs to be symlinked. Alternatively, push all
.cfg files into a single 'profiles'
* Combine steps 2, 3 and 4 into a single step by creating a more powerful
'bootstrap2.6' script.
* Running 'buildout' twice in the instance (once to configure 'supervisor',
'mysql' and 'oood' and once to setup the ZODB ERP5 instance) is confusing
and error-prone. A buildout shouldn't deal with persistent state, only with
file installation. Move the mysql database and ERP5 ZODB instance creation
procedures to dedicated scripts in 'bin/' instead of implicitly running them
in the (second) buildout run.
* Patch the SOAPpy package provided by Nexedi so it doesn't fail with a
SyntaxError on Python 2.6. Right now we're using a SOAPpy repackaging from
http://ibid.omnia.za.net/eggs/ .
* Synchronize the buildout behaviour for Zope 2.8 and 2.12 (i.e. allows Zope
2.8 to work with a single buildout check-out).
* See if we can use http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.sourcerelease/ to generate
a single (humongous) tarball with all needed software components for fully
offline operation.
[buildout] [buildout]
extends-cache = instance-profiles/extends-cache
extends = profiles/official-2.12.cfg extends = profiles/official-2.12.cfg
# adapt https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/experimental/erp5.buildout
parts = zope-instance
recipe = erp5.recipe.standaloneinstance
user = zope:zope
# modify this to reflect your local mysql configuration
# Format:
# database[@host[:port]] [user [password [unix_socket]]]
# e.g "erp5db erp5user somepassword" or "erp5db erp5user"
erp5_sql_connection_string = ${:mysql_database_name}@${:mysql_host}:${:mysql_port} ${:mysql_user} ${:mysql_password}
zope_conf_template =
portal_id = erp5
force-zodb-update = false
# zope.conf template part BEGIN
# instancehome and http-address have to be defined
# User modifable keys:
environment =
debug-mode = off
ip-address =
# Good defaults, which do not have to be touched:
clienthome = ${:instancehome}/var
lib_path = ${:instancehome}/lib/python
effective-user =
enable-product-installation = on
locale =
datetime-format = us
zserver-threads = 4
python-check-interval = 500
zserver-read-only-mode = off
pid-filename = ${:clienthome}/Z2.pid
lock-filename = ${:clienthome}/Z2.lock
mime-types =
structured-text-header-level = 3
rest-input-encoding =
rest-output-encoding =
rest-header-level = 3
rest-language-code = en
cgi-environment =
dns-server =
http-realm = Zope
cgi-maxlen = 0
http-header-max-length = 8192
automatically-quote-dtml-request-data = on
trusted-proxy =
publisher-profile-file =
security-policy-implementation = C
skip-authentication-checking = off
skip-ownership-checking = off
verbose-security = off
maximum-number-of-session-objects = 1000
session-add-notify-script-path =
session-delete-notify-script-path =
session-timeout-minutes = 20
session-resolution-seconds = 20
suppress-all-access-rules = off
suppress-all-site-roots = off
database-quota-size =
read-only-database = off
eventlog-level = info
eventlog-path = ${:instancehome}/log/event.log
access-level = WARN
access-path = ${:instancehome}/log/Z2.log
access-format = %(message)s
warnfilter =
max-listen-sockets = 100
port-base = 0
large-file-threshold =
default-zpublisher-encoding = utf8
http-force-connection-close = off
zodb-path = ${:instancehome}/var/Data.fs
# zope.conf template part ENDS
[buildout] [buildout]
develop += develop +=
local-eggs/erp5.recipe.standaloneinstance ${:software_home}/local-eggs/erp5.recipe.standaloneinstance
local-eggs/erp5.recipe.bt5checkout ${:software_home}/local-eggs/erp5.recipe.bt5checkout
local-eggs/erp5.recipe.mysqldatabase ${:software_home}/local-eggs/erp5.recipe.mysqldatabase
local-eggs/erp5.recipe.mysqlserver ${:software_home}/local-eggs/erp5.recipe.mysqlserver
find-links = find-links =
http://download.zope.org/distribution/ http://download.zope.org/distribution/
...@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ find-links = ...@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ find-links =
http://download.hforge.org/itools/ http://download.hforge.org/itools/
http://dist.repoze.org http://dist.repoze.org
http://www.nexedi.org/static/packages/source/ http://www.nexedi.org/static/packages/source/
[create-directories] [create-directories]
recipe = plone.recipe.command recipe = plone.recipe.command
extends =
parts =
python = software_definition
versions = versions
scripts +=
supervisor_programs =
10 mysql (autorestart=true) ${buildout:data-bin-directory}/pidproxy [ ${configuration:mysql_pid} ${buildout:data-bin-directory}/mysqld_safe ]
20 oood (autorestart=true) ${buildout:data-bin-directory}/pidproxy [ ${configuration:oood_pid} ${buildout:data-bin-directory}/oood-runserw --start ] ${buildout:etc-directory}
#recipe = plone.recipe.command
#command =
# ln -sf ${software_definition:software_home}/bin/python2.4 ${buildout:bin-directory}/python2.4
# ln -sf ${software_definition:software_home}/bin/ipython2.4 ${buildout:bin-directory}/ipython2.4
#update-command = ${:command}
extends =
parts +=
software_home = ${buildout:directory}
recipe = erp5.recipe.testrunner
eggs = ${development-site:eggs}
extra-paths = ${development-site:extra-paths}
products =
# XXX have this list be populated by software_definition keys. Maybe adjust
# erp5.recipe.testrunner to accept this parameter in multiple lines and convert
# to this comma separated list.
bt5_path = ${development-site:bt5-path},${buildout:software_home}/parts/bt5-erp5,${buildout:software_home}/parts/bt5-erp5-extra
instance-home = ${development-site:instancehome}
initialization =
import os
os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join(['${buildout:data-bin-directory}','${buildout:bin-directory}'] + os.environ.get('PATH','').split(':'))
<= zope-instance-template
# this is provided by the enhanced [eggs] in deployment-2.12.cfg
mkzopeinstance = ${buildout:directory}/bin/mkzopeinstance
# developer by default want to have updatable Data.fs
force-zodb-update = true
bt5-path =
bt5 =
eggs =
extra-paths = ${eggs:extra-paths}
mysql_database_name = development_site
mysql_user = development_user
mysql_password = development_password
mysql_host = ${configuration:mysql_host}
mysql_port = ${configuration:mysql_port}
# create database
mysql_create_database = true
# below could be set in configuration
mysql_superuser = root
mysql_superpassword =
# zope.conf template part BEGIN
debug-mode = on
instancehome = ${buildout:var-directory}/development-site
http-address = 18080
# until we will have more control over products we need to redefine to insert
# local products to be able to override
products =
# zope.conf template part ENDS
binary +=
development +=
...@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ extends = ...@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ extends =
../software-profiles/varnish.cfg ../software-profiles/varnish.cfg
../profiles/common.cfg ../profiles/common.cfg
python = python2.6 python = software_definition
versions = versions versions = versions
parts = parts =
eggs eggs
apache apache
memcached memcached
...@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@ parts = ...@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@ parts =
products products
# omelette # omelette
bootstrap2.6 bootstrap2.6
# software_home bt5-erp5
[show-requirements] [show-requirements]
recipe = plone.recipe.command recipe = plone.recipe.command
...@@ -53,9 +56,10 @@ update-command = ${:command} ...@@ -53,9 +56,10 @@ update-command = ${:command}
[software_definition] [software_definition]
software_home = ${buildout:software_home} software_home = ${buildout:software_home}
executable = ${python2.6:executable}
[software_home] [software_home]
recipe = collective.recipe.template recipe = collective.recipe.template
input = ${buildout:software_home}/templates/software-home.inc.in input = ${buildout:software_home}/templates/software-home.inc.in
output = ${buildout:directory}/instance-profiles/software-home.inc output = ${buildout:software_home}/instance-profiles/software-home.inc
[buildout] [buildout]
extends = extends =
http://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/branches/2.12/versions.cfg http://svn.zope.org/repos/main/Zope/tags/2.12.4/versions.cfg
[versions] [versions]
# XXX refactor parts shared with versions.cfg into a common file # XXX refactor parts shared with versions.cfg into a common file
...@@ -15,7 +15,14 @@ numpy = 1.3.0 ...@@ -15,7 +15,14 @@ numpy = 1.3.0
plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.6 plone.recipe.zope2instance = 3.6
erp5.recipe.standaloneinstance >= 0.4 erp5.recipe.standaloneinstance >= 0.4
pysvn = 1.7.2 pysvn = 1.7.2
Zope2 = 2.12.3 # Use SOAPpy from http://ibid.omnia.za.net/eggs/ instead of
# http://www.nexedi.org/static/packages/source/ due to SyntaxError on
# Python 2.6
SOAPpy = 0.12.0
# clear the Acquisition version pin so our development checkout in local-eggs
# is used instead
Acquisition =
erp5_products_revision = erp5_products_revision =
erp5_bt5_revision = ${:erp5_products_revision} erp5_bt5_revision = ${:erp5_products_revision}
# XXX refactor parts shared with erp5.cfg into a common file # XXX refactor parts shared with erp5.cfg into a common file
[buildout] [buildout]
extends =
parts = parts =
itools-build itools-build
mysql-python mysql-python
...@@ -8,34 +12,46 @@ parts = ...@@ -8,34 +12,46 @@ parts =
products-erp5 products-erp5
develop += develop +=
# The patched Acquisition # The patched Acquisition
local-eggs/Acquisition ${:software_home}/local-eggs/Acquisition
# ugly itools building sections until itools and setuptools learn to get
# along:
[itools] [itools]
recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download # This part should not contain contain dependencies to other parts and should
extra-paths = ${buildout:directory}/parts/site-packages # contain only paths relative to software_home as it will be used directly by
# instances. It should probably be moved to a .cfg file inside
# "instance-profiles"
pkgname = itools-0.50.8 pkgname = itools-0.50.8
url = http://download.hforge.org/itools/0.50/${:pkgname}.tar.gz location = ${buildout:software_home}/parts/itools
lib = ${:location}/lib
source = ${:location}/src
recipe = hexagonit.recipe.download
strip-top-level-dir = true
url = http://download.hforge.org/itools/0.50/${itools:pkgname}.tar.gz
destination = ${itools:source}
[itools-build] [itools-build]
recipe = collective.recipe.cmd recipe = collective.recipe.cmd
lib = ${itools:location}/lib
source = ${itools:location}/${itools:pkgname}
on_install = True on_install = True
on_update = False on_update = False
# reference itools-download:destination instead of itools:source to trigger its
# execution
cmds = cmds =
cd ${:source} cd ${itools-download:destination}
# ${python2.6:executable} setup.py install_lib --install-lib=${:lib} ${python2.6:executable} setup.py install_lib -d ${itools:lib}
${python2.6:executable} setup.py install_lib -d ${:lib}
uninstall_cmds = uninstall_cmds =
cd ${:source} cd ${itools-download:destination}
${buildout:executable} setup.py clean ${python2.6:executable} setup.py clean
rm -rf ${:lib} rm -rf ${itools:lib}
[mysql-python-env] [mysql-python-env]
PATH =${mysql-tritonn-5.0:location}/bin:%(PATH)s PATH =${software_definition:mysql_software}/bin:%(PATH)s
[mysql-python] [mysql-python]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom recipe = zc.recipe.egg:custom
...@@ -105,18 +121,27 @@ eggs = ...@@ -105,18 +121,27 @@ eggs =
# Other products # Other products
Products.DCWorkflowGraph Products.DCWorkflowGraph
Products.MimetypesRegistry Products.MimetypesRegistry
# Currently forked in our repository # Currently forked in our repository
# Products.PortalTransforms # Products.PortalTransforms
# Dependency for our fork of PortalTransforms
extra-paths = extra-paths =
${itools-build:lib} ${itools:lib}
dependent-scripts = true dependent-scripts = true
python = python2.6 # XXX getting python from [buildout] for the benefit of instance recipes
# which should not attempt to compile python again
#python = python2.6
# parameterizing the version of the generated python interpreter name by the
# python section version causes dependency between this egg section and the
# installation of python, which we don't want on an instance
interpreter = python2.6 interpreter = python2.6
scripts = scripts =
python=python${python2.6:version} python=${:interpreter}
ipython=ipython${python2.6:version} ipython=i${:interpreter}
[omelette] [omelette]
# XXX don't use this part until this omelette bug is fixed: # XXX don't use this part until this omelette bug is fixed:
...@@ -124,7 +149,7 @@ scripts = ...@@ -124,7 +149,7 @@ scripts =
recipe = collective.recipe.omelette recipe = collective.recipe.omelette
eggs = ${eggs:eggs} eggs = ${eggs:eggs}
packages = packages =
${itools-build:lib} . ${itools:lib} .
products = products =
${products:paths} ${products:paths}
[buildout] [buildout]
software_home = ${buildout:software_home} software_home = ${buildout:software_home}
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory} eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
software_home = ${buildout:software_home}
executable = ${software_definition:executable}
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