Commit f6d662f8 authored by Yusei Tahara's avatar Yusei Tahara
Browse files

2007-07-02 Yusei

* Fixed a invalid xhtml template.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent d8099a9c
......@@ -126,13 +126,15 @@ IDEAS:\n
<form id="main_form"\n
tal:attributes="enctype form/Form_getEnctype | nothing;\n
action url;\n
method form/method | string:post">\n
method python:str(path(\'form/method | string:post\')).lower()">\n
<!-- Hidden button as explained in -->\n
<!-- We should probably call the default method instead -->\n
<input tal:condition="form_action | nothing"\n
id="hidden_button" type="submit" value="dummy"\n
tal:attributes="name string:${form_action}:method" />\n
<tal:block metal:use-macro="global_definitions_macros/http_definitions"/>\n
<tal:block metal:define-slot="layout">\n
<div id="bars">\n
<div id="main_bar"\n
2007-07-02 Yusei
* Fixed a invalid xhtml template.
2007-06-12 JPS
* Added MochiKit by default to handle onload events
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