- 09 Mar, 2016 11 commits
Kamil Trzcinski authored
Rémy Coutable authored
Fix bug where Bitbucket 'closed' issues were imported as 'opened' _Originally opened at !2930 by @iurisilvio._ - - - Bitbucket has an undocumented status `closed`. https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/issues-resource-296095191.html Related to https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/support-forum/issues/559 See merge request !2973
Yorick Peterse authored
See merge request !3136
Yorick Peterse authored
This wasn't included in gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!3000.
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
Fix master branch link to upgrader.md See merge request !2967
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Make better use of the `visibility_level` factory traits See merge request !3131
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Remove `Snippet#expires_at` This was removed from the interface in https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/pull/6027 but its implementation lingered around for two years. See merge request !3103
Dmitriy Zaporozhets authored
Jonas Friedmann authored
- 08 Mar, 2016 22 commits
Robert Speicher authored
Robert Speicher authored
Robert Speicher authored
Use dedicated methods for counting branches and tags This started out as "Lets add two methods to count and cache some data" and ended up in a clean-up/fix of some existing code. The two problems were: 1. Different code was used for adding/removing branches/tags via Git and the UI 2. The code used for the UI didn't have any RSpec tests, and I couldn't find any Spinach tests either (though grepping for Spinach stuff is hard) This MR addresses the following: 1. `Repository#branch_count` and `Repository#tag_count` are used to count and cache the number of branches/tags, these methods are then used on the branches/commits/tags pages. 2. `Repository#add_tag`, `Repository#add_branch`, `Repository#rm_tag` and `Repository#rm_branch` now all the appropriate before/after hook methods instead of calling a random single cache expiration method. This ensures caches are properly flushed when adding/removing tags/branches via the UI. 3. RSpec tests w...
Robert Speicher authored
Expose User#last_sign_in_at and User#confirmed_at for admins Closes #840 See merge request !3090
Robert Speicher authored
Merge branch 'improve/3102-memoize-group-instance-variable-in-admin-groups-controller' into 'master' Remove instance variable `@group` multiple assignment See merge request !3127
Robert Speicher authored
Remove duplicate 'cache_store' configuration in test environment [ci skip] See merge request !3061
Yorick Peterse authored
This ensures the right caches are flushed when adding a branch via the UI, instead of only flushing this one random cache.
Yorick Peterse authored
This ensures Repository#add_tag calls Repository#before_push_tag instead of just 1 random cache expiration method.
Yorick Peterse authored
Yorick Peterse authored
This ensures that Repository#rm_branch calls before_remove_branch/after_remove_branch instead of just 1 random cache expiration method.
Yorick Peterse authored
The methods used for this are Repository#tag_count and Repository#branch_count which cache their output in Redis as well as memoizing it in an instance variable. Both methods have a corresponding methods/hooks to flush the caches at the right time.
Robert Speicher authored
Added basic SQL guidelines This is mostly based on the various changes I've made over the past few months. See merge request !3091
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
update slack instructions the previous instructions no longer apply, there is no "Incoming WebHooks" row anymore. luckily there exists direct link to web hooks, so the previous steps aren't even neccessary See merge request !3052
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
add link to web hooks docs Add link to web hooks docs on custom hooks docs page. See merge request !3082
Yatish Mehta authored
Yorick Peterse authored
adds language names to projects list [image attached] See merge request !3000
Yorick Peterse authored
[ci skip]
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
Deprecated GitLab CI API clean up Deprecated GitLab CI API clean up. The intent here is to clean up deprecated GitLab CI documentation leaving only relevant information. Since we merged `Ci::Project` to `Project` most of this documentation is outdated. Closes #13610 See merge request !3003
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
add bundle clean to upgrade docs This MR adds a bundle clean after installing new gems. Bundle clean removes old, not needed gems to keep the system clean. See merge request !2809
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
Added Troubleshooting information for most used services. This replaces the changes started at gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com!1603 I'd like to add similar troubleshooting information for EE only services, but that needs to happen on a different MR on the EE side. Probably after this one gets merged. cc @ernstvn @dblessing @balameb @cabargas @kelvinmutuma See merge request !3080
Achilleas Pipinellis authored
Document changes to the initial admin password Addresses https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/3068#note_4117550 [ci skip] See merge request !3120
Robert Speicher authored
[ci skip]
- 07 Mar, 2016 7 commits
Douwe Maan authored
Remove redundant integration tests These three tests were essentially checking that adding a note to something updated its `noteable`'s `updated_at` attribute. This is well-tested Rails behavior and we shouldn't feel the need to write an integration test to verify it. At most we should be ensuring that the association definition adds the `touch: true` option, which we now do in Note's unit test. See merge request !3117
Douwe Maan authored
Set cache headers for raw blobs This changes allows browsers and (in the case of public projects) proxy caches to cache raw Git blob responses. See merge request !3113
Patricio Cano authored
[ci skip]
tiagonbotelho authored
tiagonbotelho authored
tiagonbotelho authored
tiagonbotelho authored