• Kazuhiko's avatar
    setup: specify setuptools location explicitly when calling make. · 8b9a8081
    Kazuhiko authored
    If wendline.core is built under buildout and setuptools exists only in
    buildout environment, 'python setup.py' called inside make will fail
    without this change.
    Building 'wendelin.core'
    Running easy_install:
    "/path/to/python2.7" "-c" "import sys; sys.path[0:0] = ['/path/to/setuptools-19.6.2-py2.7.egg']; from setuptools.command.easy_install import main; main()"...
    <<< setup.py: os.system('make %s PYTHON="%s"' % (target, sys.executable))
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/xxx/wendelin.core-0.6/3rdparty/ccan'
    /path/to/python2.7 setup.py ll_build_ext --inplace
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "setup.py", line 18, in <module>
        from setuptools import setup, Extension, Command, find_packages
    ImportError: No module named setuptools
    Makefile:40: recipe for target 'bigfile/_bigfile.so' failed
    make: *** [bigfile/_bigfile.so] Error 1
    error: Setup script exited with error: Failed to execute `make all`
setup.py 10.1 KB