Commit 437b67d2 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

*** empty log message ***

parent aca216b3
......@@ -27,3 +27,18 @@ These aren't promises, but things I'd like to do:
- persistent.Object, which handles the common case of a simple object
that just has some data. (The moral equivalent of a JS object. :)
- API to preload objects.
Say you know you're going to oterate over an array of objects, you
might signal that intend to use the object with something like::
for oject in objects:
(I think there's an RFC for something like this.)
For most storages, _p_will_use won't have any effect, but for ZEO,
it could cause a load request to be sent to the server if the object
isn't already loaded or in the zeo cache. This way, you could have
lots of loads in flight at once, mitigating round-trip costs.
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