Commit 924c5b0f authored by Mauro Amico's avatar Mauro Amico

test infos

parent b7ba4560
......@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ from ZopeUndo.Prefix import Prefix
class MarshalTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testServerDecodeZopeUndoFilter(self):
# this is an example of Zope's
# this is an example (1) of Zope2's arguments for
# undoInfo call. Arguments are encoded by ZEO client
# and decoded by server. The operation must be idempotent.
# (1)
args = (0, 20, {'user_name': Prefix('test')})
# test against repr because Prefix __eq__ operator
# doesn't compare Prefix with Prefix but only
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