Commit 928aa7a0 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Apply the same async and zodbpickle fixes to the ZEO4 server.

parent b3ee072b
......@@ -418,10 +418,10 @@ class Connection(smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection, object):
# will raise an exception. The exception will ultimately
# result in asycnore calling handle_error(), which will
# close the connection.
msgid, async, name, args = self.decode(message)
msgid, async_, name, args = self.decode(message)
if debug_zrpc:
self.log("recv msg: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (msgid, async, name,
self.log("recv msg: %s, %s, %s, %s" % (msgid, async_, name,
......@@ -446,12 +446,12 @@ class Connection(smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection, object):
self.send_reply(msgid, ret)
elif name == REPLY:
assert not async
assert not async_
self.handle_reply(msgid, args)
self.handle_request(msgid, async, name, args)
self.handle_request(msgid, async_, name, args)
def handle_request(self, msgid, async, name, args):
def handle_request(self, msgid, async_, name, args):
obj = self.obj
if name.startswith('_') or not hasattr(obj, name):
......@@ -482,14 +482,14 @@ class Connection(smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection, object):
self.log("%s() raised exception: %s" % (name, msg),
logging.ERROR, exc_info=True)
error = sys.exc_info()[:2]
if async:
if async_:
self.log("Asynchronous call raised exception: %s" % self,
level=logging.ERROR, exc_info=True)
self.return_error(msgid, *error)
if async:
if async_:
if ret is not None:
raise ZRPCError("async method %s returned value %s" %
(name, short_repr(ret)))
......@@ -545,15 +545,15 @@ class Connection(smac.SizedMessageAsyncConnection, object):
def send_call(self, method, args, async_=False):
# send a message and return its msgid
if async:
if async_:
msgid = 0
msgid = self._new_msgid()
if debug_zrpc:
self.log("send msg: %d, %d, %s, ..." % (msgid, async, method),
self.log("send msg: %d, %d, %s, ..." % (msgid, async_, method),
buf = self.encode(msgid, async, method, args)
buf = self.encode(msgid, async_, method, args)
return msgid
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ from ZEO._compat import Unpickler, Pickler, BytesIO, PY3, PYPY
from .error import ZRPCError
from .log import log, short_repr
PY2 = not PY3
def encode(*args): # args: (msgid, flags, name, args)
# (We used to have a global pickler, but that's not thread-safe. :-( )
......@@ -106,6 +108,8 @@ _silly = ('__doc__',)
exception_type_type = type(Exception)
_SAFE_MODULE_NAMES = ('ZopeUndo.Prefix', 'copy_reg', '__builtin__', 'zodbpickle')
def find_global(module, name):
"""Helper for message unpickler"""
......@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ def find_global(module, name):
except AttributeError:
raise ZRPCError("module %s has no global %s" % (module, name))
safe = getattr(r, '__no_side_effects__', 0)
safe = getattr(r, '__no_side_effects__', 0) or (PY2 and module in _SAFE_MODULE_NAMES)
if safe:
return r
......@@ -130,9 +134,10 @@ def find_global(module, name):
def server_find_global(module, name):
"""Helper for message unpickler"""
if module not in _SAFE_MODULE_NAMES:
raise ImportError("Module not allowed: %s" % (module,))
if module != 'ZopeUndo.Prefix':
raise ImportError
m = __import__(module, _globals, _globals, _silly)
except ImportError as msg:
raise ZRPCError("import error %s: %s" % (module, msg))
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